

Expression of CIP2A and CD44v6 in condyloma acuminatum-involved skin and its correla-tion with patients'prognosis


目的 探究蛋白磷酸酶2A癌性抑制因子(CIP2A)和CD44v6在尖锐湿疣(CA)患者皮损组织中的表达,分析二者与CA患者HPV基因型分布及其预后的相关性.方法 选取本院2020年4月至2023年4月收治的CA患者100例作为研究组,根据预后情况将患者分为预后良好组和不良组,收集术中保留的皮损组织;另选取本院同期行外阴整形或包皮环切术者100例作为对照组,收集切下的外阴组织或正常包皮组织.实时荧光定量PCR法检测组织标本中的CIP2A、CD44v6 mRNA表达水平.比较研究组与对照组、不同HPV分型组、预后良好组与预后不良组中CIP2A、CD44v6 mRNA的表达水平,分析CA组织中CIP2A、CD44v6的表达与临床特征的关系,采用多因素COX回归分析CA患者预后的影响因素;绘制ROC曲线分析CIP2A、CD44v6对CA患者预后不良的预测价值.结果 研究组CIP2A、CD44v6 mRNA 的表达水平显著高于对照组(CIP2A:2.19±0.40 vs 1.01±0.24,t=25.24,P<0.05;CD44v6:1.75±0.33 vs 1.02±0.22,t=18.41,P<0.05).低危组、高危组和混合组 CIP2A、CD44v6 mRNA表达水平均依次升高(均P<0.05).预后不良组CIP2A、CD44v6 mRNA表达水平显著高于预后良好组(CIP2A:3.58±0.62 vs 1.62±0.31,t=21.05,P<0.05;CD44v6:2.57±0.49 vs 1.42±0.26,t=15.26,P<0.05).CIP2A、CD44v6的表达与疣体数目和直径有关(均P<0.05).多因素COX回归分析结果显示,CIP2A、CD44v6的表达以及疣体数目、直径是影响CA患者预后的危险因素(P<0.05).ROC曲线显示,CIP2A预测CA患者预后不良的AUC为0.866,CD44v6的AUC为0.860,二者联合的AUC为0.928,二者联合优于各自单独预测(Z联合vs CIP2A=2.72、Z联合vsCD44v6=2.73,P均<0.05).结论 CA患者组织中CIP2A、CD44v6的表达水平显著升高,二者均与HPV基因型分布及其预后有关.CIP2A和CD44v6联合可提高对CA患者预后预测的准确性.

Objective To investigate the expression levels of cancerous inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2 A(CIP2A)and CD44v6 in condyloma acuminatum(CA)-involved skin and to ana-lyze the correlation between their expression and the distribution of HPV genotypes in CA patients and their prognosis.Methods The study group included 100 cases of CA patients who were ad-mitted to our hospital from April 2020 to April 2023.The patients were divided into the good prog-nosis group and poor prognosis group according to their prognosis.The CA-involved skin samples were collected during the operation.The control samples were obtained from 100 subjects who un-derwent vulvoplasty or circumcision during that time in our hospital.Real-time fluorescence quan-titative PCR was used to detect the expression levels of CIP2A and CD44v6 mRNA in the tissue specimens.The expression levels of CIP2A and CD44v6 mRNA were compared between the study and the control groups,different HPV typing groups,and good prognosis and poor prognosis groups.The relationship between the expression of CIP2A and CD44v6 in the CA tissues and the clinical features was analyzed,while multifactorial COX regression was used to analyze the influen-cing factors on the prognosis of CA patients.ROC curves were plotted to analyze the influence of CIP2A and CD44v6 on the predictive value of poor prognosis in CA patients.Results The ex-pression levels of CIP2A and CD44v6 mRNA in the study group were significantly higher than that in the controls(CIP2A:2.19±0.40 vs 1.01±0.24,t=25.24,P<0.05;CD44v6:1.75±0.33 vs 1.02±0.22,t=18.41,P<0.05).The expression levels of CIP2A and CD44v6 mRNA were in an ascending order of the low-risk,high-risk and mixed groups(all P<0.05).The ex-pression levels of CIP2A and CD44v6 mRNA in the poor prognosis group were significantly higher than that in the good prognosis group(CIP2A:3.58±0.62 vs 1.62±0.31,t=21.05,P<0.05;CD44v6:2.57±0.49 vs 1.42±0.26,t=15.26,P<0.05).The CIP2A and CD44v6 expression correlated with wart number and its diameter(both P<0.05).Multifactorial COX regression analysis showed that the expression of CIP2A and CD44v6,as well as the number and diameter of warts,were risk factors for the poor prognosis of CA patients(P<0.05).The ROC curves showed that the AUC for predicting a poor prognosis of CA patients was 0.866 for CIP2A,0.860 for CD44v6,and 0.928 for the combination of both.The latter was superior to the respec-tive individual predictions(Zcombination vs CIP2A=2.72,Zcombination vs CD44v6=2.73,both P<0.05).Conclusions The expression levels of CIP2A and CD44v6 are significantly elevated in CA-in-volved skin.Expression levels of both CIP2A and CD44v6 are associated with the distribution of HPV genotypes and their prognosis.The combination of CIP2A and CD44v6 values can improve the prediction of the prognosis of CA patients.


驻马店市中心医院,河南 驻马店 463000驻马店市中心医院,河南 驻马店 463000驻马店市中心医院,河南 驻马店 463000


pointed condylomacancerous inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2ACD44v6human papillomavirusprognosis

《皮肤性病诊疗学杂志》 2024 (8)



