
Three cases of children tinea nigra


报告3例由威尼克何德霉导致的儿童掌黑癣.患者均为女童,年龄分别为2、2和3岁.3例患者皮损均为手掌部位的褐色或黑色斑疹,无自觉症状.皮肤镜检查可见散在或重叠的黑褐色色素颗粒,形成条状或网状结构,边界清楚,颜色均一.直接镜检可见分隔分枝、弯曲的棕色菌丝.真菌培养早期为黑色扁平有光泽的酵母样菌落,14 d后可见不规则隆起及绒毛状菌丝,周围呈黑色柏油样.ITS rDNA测序鉴定结果提示该菌株为威尼克何德霉.依据临床症状及实验室检查确诊为掌黑癣.3例患者外用抗真菌药物后均治愈,随访3个月均无复发.

We report three cases of tinea nigra in children caused by Hortaea werneckii.The patients were all girls,aged 2,2 and 3 years,respectively.All patients presented with asympto-matic brown or black rash on either one palm or both palms.Dermoscopy showed scattered or over-lapping dark brown pigmented granules forming a striated or reticulated structure with clear borders and uniform color.Direct microscopic examination revealed branched,curved,brown septate hyphae.The fungal culture showed black,shiny,yeast-like colonies at early stage,and elevated irregular colonies with flocculent mycelium surrounded by a black edge after 14 days.The strain of Hortaea werneckii was identified by ITS rDNA sequencing.Diagnosis of tinea nigra was confirmed by clinical symptoms and laboratory examinations.All patients were cured with topical antifungal drugs and with no recurrence at 3 months of follow-up.


南方医科大学皮肤病医院,广东 广州 510091南方医科大学皮肤病医院,广东 广州 510091南方医科大学皮肤病医院,广东 广州 510091南方医科大学皮肤病医院,广东 广州 510091南方医科大学皮肤病医院,广东 广州 510091南方医科大学皮肤病医院,广东 广州 510091南方医科大学皮肤病医院,广东 广州 510091南方医科大学皮肤病医院,广东 广州 510091


tinea nigraHortaea werneckiidermoscopy

《皮肤性病诊疗学杂志》 2024 (8)


