A Quantitative Analysis on Spatial Rhythm of Jiangnan Gardens in Jiangnan:A Case Study Based on Lingering Garden
Although rhythm is a common term in the field of music,it is also used to describe the spatial experience in gardens.The fluctuating wandering experience in gardens and the auditory sense in music suggest the isomorphic rhythms of gardens and music in terms of aesthetic rules and human emotional activities.On this basis,"reasons for similar feelings between spatial rhythms of gardens and music"were reflected.Two core problems were elicited:"expression laws and modes of spatial rhythm of Jiangnan gardens"and"sequential features and spatial prototype of spatial rhythm of Jiangnan gardens." This study aimed to break"rhythm"evaluation of traditional space on the literal level,and analyzes the development laws of the spatial rhythm of Jiangnan gardens objectively and rationally.Moreover,the features of rhythm sequences in gardens were summarized,and the corresponding spatial rhythm theory was extracted.[Method]Based on the concept of rhythm in the field of music,the spatial rhythm of gardens was interpreted,and a quantitative analysis was carried out.A graphical representation of the traveling state's variation time and landscaping density in the Lingering Garden was conducted based on statistics and space syntax.Correlations of the gained data were analyzed through the Spearman correlation coefficient. Some spatial rhythm laws of Jiangnan gardens were discovered:(1)the spatial rhythm of gardens has no direct relationship with the traveling speed,but motion states change in relation to time length.The shorter the time for shifts between dynamic and static landscapes,the quicker the spatial rhythm that tourists felt.(2)The spatial rhythm intensity of the garden is related to landscape density.The higher the landscape density in the viewing area,the stronger the tourists'feeling of spatial rhythm.(3)The region with the higher landscape density witnesses the higher frequency of motion state changes.In other words,the space with a quicker rhythm feels a stronger rhythm.This has the same objective laws as the auditory sense of music rhythm.The development characteristics of the fast-rhythm space sequences were summarized based on spatial topological analysis and schematic expression of the extreme-value samples:(a)alternating changes of spatial opening degree,(b)rich landscape element allocation,(c)complicated hierarchical relationships of landscape,and(d)diversified landscape appreciation modes. Finally,the spatial rhythm prototype of Jiangnan gardens was extracted by combining key laws of feature elements,such as opening-closing changes of landscape surface,hierarchical changes of space,form changes of landscape interface,and morphological changes of aquatic landscape.A possible practice scheme was proposed for the design method of spatial rhythm,whereby the objective laws of the spatial rhythm of gardens were disclosed through a quantitative study.The feature elements and spatial prototype of spatial rhythm were extracted.The limited understanding of spatial rhythm within the literature was addressed.However,traditional gardens have complicated spaces,and tourists'behaviors are unpredictable.The influencing factors and practice method of spatial rhythm mentioned in the study are just a drop in the ocean.It is necessary to further explore understanding and method establishment of the spatial rhythm laws of gardens.
spatial rhythmmotion statequantitative researchspatial sequencespatial prototype
《南方建筑》 2024 (8)