Molecular Cloning and Characterization of CeTIP2;1,an Aquaporin Gene from Tigernut(Cyperus esculentus L.)
油莎豆起源于非洲和地中海沿岸,是一种在块茎中高水平积累油脂的新型草本油料作物.水分平衡对于块茎的发育与代谢至关重要.液泡膜内在蛋白(TIP)是一类液泡膜定位并具有高效水分转运活性的水通道蛋白,包含TIP1~5等5个亚类.本研究基于油莎豆的基因组和转录组数据,采用RT-PCR技术对1个块茎高水平表达的TIP基因 CeTIP2;1进行克隆.序列分析表明:CeTIP2;1的基因全长3323 bp,含有2个内含子,编码区长747 bp,编码248个氨基酸,理论分子量为24.73 kDa,等电点为5.09,总平均疏水指数为0.948,脂肪族指数为114.60,不稳定系数为21.76,属于稳定的酸性疏水型蛋白,与其液泡膜定位一致;该蛋白含有保守的MIP结构域,其中包括6个跨膜螺旋、2个半螺旋以及2个典型的NPA基序.CeTIP2;1与AtTIP2;1的序列相似性高达87.20%,远高于与SoPIP2;1的46.23%.进化分析进一步证实,CeTIP2;1隶属于TIP2亚类,是AtTIP2;1的直系同源基因.进化分析同时显示TIP2亚类早在单、双子叶植物分化之前就已经进化出2个小组.表达分析显示:CeTIP2;1在叶片、叶鞘、根、芽尖、匍匐茎、块茎等主要组织中均有较高水平的表达,丰度最高的是块茎和匍匐茎,最低的为芽尖;在块茎的发育过程中,呈现先升后降的钟形趋势,峰值出现在膨大中期,最低的为成熟期.此外,CeTIP2;1还在块茎的蛋白组中被检测到,表明其功能的重要性.这些结果为进一步揭示油莎豆的块茎水分平衡机制奠定坚实的基础.
Tigernut(Cyperus esculentus L.),most likely originated from Africa and Mediterranean,represents a novel herbaceous oil crop accumulating high levels of oil in its underground tubers.Water balance is essential for tuber de-velopment and metabolism in tigernut.Tonoplast intrinsic proteins(TIPs),which include five phylogenetic groups(i.e.TIP1-5),constitute a subfamily of aquaporin facilitating the fast and passive transport of water across vacuolar mem-branes.Based on available genome and transcriptome data,one TIP gene named CeTIP2;1 was isolated from tigernut tubers by using the RT-PCR technique.Sequence analysis showed that the full gene length of CeTIP2;1 is 3323 bp,in-cluding two introns with a coding sequence of 747 bp;the gene was predicted to encode 248 amino acids with the theo-retical molecular weight of 24.73 kDa,the isoelectric point of 5.09,the grand average of hydropathicity of 0.948,the aliphatic index of 114.60,and the instability index of 21.76,implying its stable,acidic,and hydrophobic features,which is consistent with its tonoplast-localization;presence of one conservative MIP domain was observed,which possesses six transmembrane helices,two half helices,and two typical NPA motifs.CeTIP2;1 was shown to exhibit the sequence similarity of 87.20%with AtTIP2;1,which was considerably higher than 46.23%with SoPIP2;1.Further phylogenetic analysis revealed that CeTIP2;1 belongs to the TIP2 group and is a true ortholog of AtTIP2;1.Interestingly,the phy-logenetic analysis also supported that TIP2 has diverged into two subgroups sometime before monocot-eudicot diver-gence.Tissue-specific expression analysis showed that CeTIP2;1 was highly expressed in all tissues examined in this study,i.e.,leaf,sheath,root,shoot apex,rhizome,and tuber,with most in tuber/rhizome and lowest in shoot apex.A bell-like expression pattern was observed during tuber development,peaking at the medium stage of swelling and lowest in maturation.Moreover,CeTIP2;1 was also detected in the tuber proteomes,implying its high abundance and key roles.These findings would lay a solid foundation for further uncovering the mechanism of water balance in tigernut tubers.
热带作物生物育种全国重点实验室/中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术研究所/中国热带农业科学院三亚研究院,海南海口 571101热带作物生物育种全国重点实验室/中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术研究所/中国热带农业科学院三亚研究院,海南海口 571101
oil croptubertonoplast intrinsic proteinphylogenetic analysisexpression profile
《热带作物学报》 2024 (8)