Effect Analysis of Multidisciplinary Evidence-Based Nursing Combined with Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Training on Patients with Functional Dyspepsia
目的:探究多学科循证护理联合正念减压训练对功能性消化不良(FD)患者的效果.方法:选取2021年1月—2024年 1月枣庄市峄城区人民医院收治的84例FD患者为研究对象,按照随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,各42例.其中对照组给予常规干预,观察组在对照组基础上给予多学科循证护理与正念减压训练.比较两组临床症状、负性及生活质量.结果:干预后,观察组腹胀、餐后饱胀、早饱、嗳气、腹痛及恶心呕吐症等状评分均低于对照组,观察组负性情绪评分均低于对照组,观察组健康调查简表各维度评分均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:对FD患者采用多学科循证护理联合正念减压训练效果显著,可有效缓解患者临床症状,减轻负性情绪,提升生活质量.
Objective:To explore the effect of multidisciplinary evidence-based nursing combined with mindfulness-based stress reduction training on patients with functional dyspepsia(FD).Methods:A total of 84 FD patients in Yicheng District People's Hospital of Zaozhuang City from January 2021 to January 2024 were selected as the study objects,were divided into a control group and an observation group according to random number table method,with 42 cases in each group.The control group received routine intervention,and the observation group received multidisciplinary evidence-based nursing and mindfulness-based stress reduction training on the basis of the control group.Clinical symptom,the negative emotion and quality of life were compared between the two groups.Results:After the intervention,the scores of abdominal distension,post-meal fullness,early satiety,belching,abdominal pain,nausea and vomiting in the observation group were lower than those in the control group,the negative emotion in the observation group were lower than those in the control group,and the MOS item short form health survey(SF-36)scores of each dimension in the observation group were higher than those in the control group,with statistical significances(P<0.05).Conclusion:Multidisciplinary evidence-based nursing combined with mindfulness-based decompression training for FD patients has significant effects,which can effectively relieve clinical symptoms,reduce negative emotions and improve quality of life.
山东省枣庄市峄城区人民医院内分泌科,山东 枣庄 277300山东省枣庄市峄城区人民医院应急科,山东 枣庄 277300
Eunctional dyspepsiaMultidisciplinary evidence-based nursingMindfulness-based stress reduction trainingClinical symptomsNegative emotionsQuality of life
《中国伤残医学》 2024 (013)
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