Screening Results for Colorectal Cancer among Urban Residents in Longquanyi District in Chengdu
目的:分析成都市龙泉驿地区城市癌症早诊早治项目社区居民肠镜筛查结果,为评价和优化结直肠癌筛查策略提供参考.方法:连续选取2019年9月至2023年10月成都市龙泉驿地区按照城市癌症早诊早治项目结直肠癌筛查流程判定为初筛阳性,并在我院完成全结肠镜诊断性检查且获取病理检查结果的城市社区人群1 591例作为研究对象.根据肠镜诊断结果,分成病变组和正常组,病变组根据病理结果进一步分为结直肠癌组、癌前病变组和良性病变组,分析不同分组之间性别、年龄的差异.结果:本研究共纳入初筛阳性人群1591例,肠镜诊断正常组965例、病变组616例,病变检出率39.35%,其中,男性检出率高于女性(47.27%vs 32.88%),差异有统计学意义(x2=34.187,P<0.001).随着年龄的增加,病变的检出率呈上升趋势(x2趋势=32.432,P<0.001),按性别分层以后无论男女的年龄上升趋势均有统计学意义(均P<0.05).病变的检出率随时间(2019~2023年)呈上升趋势(x2趋势=75.757,P<0.001),按性别分层以后无论男女的时间上升趋势均有统计学意义(均P<0.05).肠镜诊断病变组626例经病理学诊断发现:结直肠癌3例,检出率0.19%;癌前病变228例,检出率14.33%;良性病变395例,检出率24.83%.癌前病变检出率以60~69岁年龄组最多,良性病变检出率以≥70岁年龄组最多,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05).结论:现阶段施行的城市癌症早诊早治社区居民结直肠癌筛查项目,能有效识别高风险群体、准确检出结直肠癌及癌前病变,是控制结直肠癌发病和死亡的重要二级预防措施,为公共健康策略提供了坚实的科学佐证.
Objective:To analyze the community resi-dents'colonoscopy screening results of the Urban Cancer Ear-ly Diagnosis and Treatment Project in Longquanyi District of Chengdu,and provide a basis for evaluating and optimizing colorectal cancer screening strategies.Methods:A total of 1,591 urban community residents who were confirmed to be positive in primary screening of colorectal cancer in the Urban Cancer Early Diagnosis and Treatment Project in the Longquanyi District of Chengdu from September 2019 to October 2023,and who completed diagnostic colonoscopy and ob-tained pathological examination results in our hospital were selected as the research subjects.According to the diagnostic results of colonoscopy,the research subjects were assigned to the lesion group and the normal group.The lesion group were further divided into three groups,the colorectal cancer group,the precancerous lesion group and the benign lesion group based on the pathological results.The differences in sex and age among groups were analyzed.Results:A total of 1,591 positive individuals in primary screening were included in this study,including 915 cases in the normal group and 626 cases in the lesion group according to colonoscopic diagnosis.The lesion detection rate was 39.35%,and it was signifi-cantly higher in males than in females(47.27%vs 32.88%,x2=34.187,P<0.001).As age increases,the detec-tion rate of lesions shows an upward trend(x2trends=32.432,P<0.001),and after stratification by gender,there was a statistically significant upward trend in it for both men and women(all P<0.05).From 2019 to 2023,the detection rate of lesions shows an upward trend(x2trends=75.757,P<0.001),and after stratification by gender,there was a sta-tistically significant upward trend in it for both men and women(all P<0.05).In the pathologically diagnosed(by colonoscopy)626 cases,there were 3 cases of colorectal cancer,with a detection rate of 0.19%,228 cases of precan-cerous lesions,with a detection rate of 14.33%,and 395 cases of benign lesions,with a detection rate of 24.83%.The detection rate of precancerous lesions was highest in the 60 to 69 age group,and the detection rate of benign lesions was highest in the over 70-year age group,and the differences were statistically significant(all P<0.05).Conclusion:The colorectal cancer screening for community residents in current Urban Cancer Early Diagnosis and Treatment Project can effectively identify high-risk groups,accurately detect colorectal cancer and precancerous lesions,and is an important secondary prevention measure for controlling the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer,providing solid scientific evi-dence for public health strategies.
610041 成都,四川省肿瘤临床医学研究中心,四川省肿瘤医院·研究所,四川省癌症防治中心,电子科技大学附属肿瘤医院内镜科610041 成都,四川省肿瘤临床医学研究中心,四川省肿瘤医院·研究所,四川省癌症防治中心,电子科技大学附属肿瘤医院内镜科610041 成都,四川省肿瘤临床医学研究中心,四川省肿瘤医院·研究所,四川省癌症防治中心,电子科技大学附属肿瘤医院内镜科610041 成都,四川省肿瘤临床医学研究中心,四川省肿瘤医院·研究所,四川省癌症防治中心,电子科技大学附属肿瘤医院省癌症防治中心办公室610041 成都,四川省肿瘤临床医学研究中心,四川省肿瘤医院·研究所,四川省癌症防治中心,电子科技大学附属肿瘤医院省癌症防治中心办公室610041 成都,四川省肿瘤临床医学研究中心,四川省肿瘤医院·研究所,四川省癌症防治中心,电子科技大学附属肿瘤医院内镜科610041 成都,四川省肿瘤临床医学研究中心,四川省肿瘤医院·研究所,四川省癌症防治中心,电子科技大学附属肿瘤医院内镜科610041 成都,四川省肿瘤临床医学研究中心,四川省肿瘤医院·研究所,四川省癌症防治中心,电子科技大学附属肿瘤医院内镜科610041 成都,四川省肿瘤临床医学研究中心,四川省肿瘤医院·研究所,四川省癌症防治中心,电子科技大学附属肿瘤医院内镜科610041 成都,四川省肿瘤临床医学研究中心,四川省肿瘤医院·研究所,四川省癌症防治中心,电子科技大学附属肿瘤医院内镜科
Colorectal cancerPrecancerous lesionsColonoscopyScreeningEarly diagnosis and treatment
《肿瘤预防与治疗》 2024 (8)
四川省科技计划项目(编号:2022YFQ0045) This study was supported by grants from Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province(No.2022YFQ0045).