

Influence of different seedling-raising methods on the seedling quality,transplantation quality,and rice yield of machine transplanted seedlings



To investigate the effects of conventional seedling cultivation,tray seedling cultivation,and floating seedling cultivation on rice seedlings and field growth,'Nanjing 9108'was used as the experimental material,and the differences in seedling quality and their effects on transplanting quality,field growth,and yield were compared among the three methods under the same sowing amount.The results showed that the seedling formation rates of the three seedling cultivation methods ranged from 71.7%to 75.0%,among which floating seedling had the highest rate.There was no significant difference in aboveground traits among the three methods.However,the number and length of roots in conventional seedling cultivation increased by 21.4%,16.1%and 3.3%,9.8%compared to tray seedling cultivation and floating seedling cultivation,respectively.The void rate and damaged seedling rate of floating seedling cultivation were 0.39%and 0.78%,respectively.During the peak tillering period of floating seedling cultivation,the number of tillers increased by 9.8%and 24.0%respectively compared to tray seedling cultivation and conventional seedling cultivation,but the accumulation of biomass perplant decreased.The final number of panicles in floating seedling cultivation increased by 7.2%and 8.1%compared to tray seedling cultivation and conventional seedling cultivation,but the number of grains per panicle decreased by 4.9%and 4.6%,respectively.There was no significant difference in final yield among the three seedling cultivations.Overall,all three seedling cultivation methods could produce robust seedlings,which were beneficial to improve the planting quality,field growth,and yield performance.In terms of production,suitable seedling cultivation methods could be selected according to their own conditions.


江苏徐淮地区淮阴农业科学研究所,淮安 223001江苏徐淮地区淮阴农业科学研究所,淮安 223001江苏徐淮地区淮阴农业科学研究所,淮安 223001江苏徐淮地区淮阴农业科学研究所,淮安 223001



RiceMachine transplantingTray seedling raisingFloating seedling raisingSeedling qualityYield

《上海农业学报》 2024 (4)



