Experimental Study on Strength Characteristics of the CBR of High Liquid Limit Clay Gravel
High liquid limit clay gravel belongs to heterogeneous,heterogeneous,and discontinuous mixed multi-phase special geological materials,and Califonia Bearing Ratio(CBR)strength characteristics are significantly differ-ent from those of general fine-grained clay or coarse-grained fillers.A typical high liquid limit clay gravel on a highway in the southwest region is taken as the research object.CBR experimental research were conducted with dif-ferent moisture content,fine-grained soil content and different compaction work.The results show that the CBR strength of high liquid limit clay gravel is comprehensively affected by factors such as particle composition,moisture content and compaction work.Changing one single factor may not improve the CBR value;The CBR strength of clay gravel varies more dramatically than that of pure cohesive soil,which is more significantly affected by water con-tent;If the water absorption of gravel is not calculated,when the water content of clay exceeds its liquid limit,the clay plays a lubricating role,which will significantly reduce the CBR value of clay gravel;When the clay gravel has an optimal moisture content and its CBR value is greater than 8%,it can be applied for filling various layers of the roadbed;During the compaction construction process of high liquid limit clay gravel subgrade,it is necessary to break through the traditional mode which the optimal moisture content is the control standard for compaction mois-ture content.Based on comprehensive consideration of factors such as fine-grained soil content,compaction degree,and moisture content,the optimal compaction parameter control standard can be determined.The research results can provide theoretical and technical support for the rational and effective utilization of high liquid limit clay gravel.
昭通昭阳绕城高速公路投资开发有限公司,云南昭通 657000昭通昭阳绕城高速公路投资开发有限公司,云南昭通 657000昭通昭阳绕城高速公路投资开发有限公司,云南昭通 657000交通运输部公路科学研究所,北京 100088
high liquid limit clay gravelCalifornia Bearing Ratio(CBR)strengthparticle compositionmoisture contentcompaction work
《市政技术》 2024 (9)