

Research and application of fault sealing evaluation and key technologies for drilling through faults


旅大某油田14 口井于垂深847~993 m处钻遇辽西一号断层,此断层为继承性生长正断层,总体为北东走向的通海底断层.针对钻遇断层可行性和过断层安全钻进问题,运用泥岩涂抹因子、断面正压力分析方法结合实际钻井情况,对辽西一号断层封闭性进行了评价.通过分析研究,创新性地提出了过断层面钻进泥浆比重设计和过断层井轨迹优化设计的过断层坍塌压力计算方法,并依据计算结果对过断层井进行轨迹优化;形成了过断层钻井液防漏堵漏技术.研究成果为钻遇断层可行性分析、井眼轨迹设计和过断层安全钻进提供了一定指导.

14 wells of LD oilfield are designed to drill into the Liaoxi No.1 fault at depth ranging from 847 to 993 m.This fault is an inherited growth normal fault with a general northeast trending direction and extends through the seabed.To address the feasibility of encountering faults during drilling and the safety of drilling through faults,the sealing performance of the Liaoxi No.1 fault was evaluated using methods such a mudstone smearing factor and cross-sectional normal pressure analysis in conjunction with actual drilling conditions.Through analysis and research,innovative methods have been proposed for calculating the mud weight design for drilling through fault planes and optimizing the trajectory of wells crossing faults,based on the calculated collapse pressure.At the same time,the trajectory of the wells was optimized based on these results.Techniques for preventing and plugging leaks in drilling fluids during fault crossing were also established.The research results provide guidance for the feasibility analysis of drilling faults,wellbore trajectory design,and safe drilling through faults.


中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司,天津 300459中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司,天津 300459中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司,天津 300459中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司,天津 300459中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司,天津 300459


Liaoxi No.1 faultFault sealingCollapse pressureLeak prevention and pluggingTrajectory design

《天然气与石油》 2024 (4)



