Position accuracy of changing longitudinal ridge to contour farming in sloping farmland of black soil region
东北黑土区是我国重要商品粮基地,然而严重的坡面水土流失正威胁着该区域粮食生产潜力.传统顺坡垄作改横坡垄作(简称横坡改垄)是坡耕地水土流失防治的主要措施.结合高精度DEM和设计标准,ArcMap能够规划横坡垄线的位置走向,并估测横坡改垄后坡耕地水土流失降低程度,因此横坡垄线的实施位置与设计位置之间的差异程度直接影响横坡改垄的效果与水土保持效益评估的准确性.为评估基于无人机高精度DEM与ArcMap设计坡耕地横坡改垄的垄线位置准确性,在黑龙江省三江平原已实施横坡改垄的 3块坡耕地中选取多条垄线,使用CORS RTK实测沿垄线采样点的xyz坐标,并与设计垄线位置对比,分析了设计垄线与实施垄线间的位置差异.结果表明:(1)实测垄线的垄向坡度均值(0.5°~0.6°)与ArcMap设计垄线的垄向坡度较为接近(0.6°),且大部分横坡垄的沿垄线高程变化均为中间高两侧低,缩短坡长以便于排水;(2)绝大多数实测垄线与设计垄线间的位置偏移量小于单个垄台宽度(大垄宽 1.3 m),中位数仅为单个垄台宽度的 1/3;(3)对于位置偏移量来源,起垄机械走行导致的位置偏移量可能高于基线布设导致的位置偏移量,位置偏移量较大的采样点多位于地块边缘处及垄线拐弯处.因此,设计垄线时,拐弯处要尽量平滑,并保持坡耕地边缘处的垄向坡度低于一定的阈值.
The black soil region in Northeast China is China's vital commercial grain base.However,severe soil erosion on slope farmland poses a significant threat to this region's potential for grain production.The transition from traditional downslope ridging to contour ridging(briefly referred to as"contour ridging")is one of the primary measures for preventing soil erosion on slope farm-land.By integrating high-precision Digital Elevation Models(DEMs)and designing standards,ArcMap can plan the orientation and position of contour ridges and estimate the reduction in soil erosion on slope farmland after contour ridging was implemented.There-fore,the degree of positional discrepancy between the designed and implemented contour ridges directly affects the effectiveness of contour ridging and the precision in evaluating its impacts and benefits.This study aims to assess the position accuracy of contour ridges designed by ArcMap using high-precision DEMs obtained from unmanned aerial vehicles(UAV).For this purpose,three fields where contour ridging had already been implemented were selected in the Sanjiang Plain of Heilongjiang Province,China.CORS RTK was used to precisely measure the XYZ coordinates of verification points along implemented ridges.Those measured point coordinates were compared with the designed ridgeline positions to analyze the positional discrepancies between the designed and implemented ridgelines.The results indicated that:(1)The average slope gradient along the contour ridgelines measured in the field(0.5°-0.6°)was relatively close to that along the ridgelines designed using ArcMap(0.6°),and the elevation changes along most of the contour ridgelines showed a pattern of being higher in the middle and lower on both sides.(2)The positional offset between most of the measured and designed ridgelines was less than the width of a single ridge(1.3 m),and the median offset was one-third of the width of a single ridge.(3)The positional offset caused by the movement of ridging machinery could be greater than the offset resulting from the baseline setup,and measured points with larger positional offsets were often located at the edges of the plots as well as turns of the ridgelines.Therefore,during the designing ridgelines process,the turns should be made as smooth as possible.During ridging,reducing the speed at these turns to minimize errors and maintain the accuracy of the ridging path was recommended.
聊城大学地理与环境学院,山东 聊城 252000||聊城创新高分数据科技有限公司,山东 聊城 252000聊城大学地理与环境学院,山东 聊城 252000北大荒集团黑龙江北兴农场有限公司,黑龙江 七台河 154625北大荒集团黑龙江北兴农场有限公司,黑龙江 七台河 154625中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150081
black soilsoil and water conservationcontour farmingridge designinglocation accuracy
《土壤与作物》 2024 (3)