Effects of sowing date on growth process and yield of soybean varieties in the third cumulative temperature zone of Heilongjiang Province
为探究播期对第三积温带大豆生育进程、农艺性状及产量形成的影响,进而优化大豆播种期,本试验以黑龙江省种植面积较大的东生 17、东生 23和黑河 43为研究材料,于 2020—2022年在海伦市实施分期播种,研究 4个播期(5月9日、16日、23日和 30日)对 3个品种生育期和产量的影响.结果表明,随着播期的推迟,大豆生育进程延后,营养生长期、生殖生长期和全生育期均有缩短的趋势,其中营养生长期缩短幅度最大,各处理差异显著(P<0.05).4个播期中,3个大豆品种单株荚数、单株粒数、百粒重及产量均呈现早播高、晚播低的变化趋势,单株粒数受到播期影响变化最大.2020年东生 17、东生 23、黑河 43播期获得最高产量分别为 3 871、3 322和 3 484 kg·hm-2,2021年分别为 4 187、2 627和3 636 kg·hm-2,2022年分别为 3 532、2 804和 3 373 kg·hm-2,播期产量间差异显著(P<0.05).多元回归模型分析气象因子对大豆产量的影响比重依次是生殖生长期积温、营养生长期降水、生殖生长期降水、营养生长期积温.在本研究的4个播期中,东生17、东生23和黑河43在5月中旬播种能获得最高的产量.
In order to explore the effects of sowing date on growth process,agronomic traits and yield formation of soybeans in the third cumulative temperature zone,and further optimize the sowing date of soybeans,soybean varieties Dongsheng 17,Dongsheng 23 and Heihe 43,which have an extensive planting area in Heilongjiang Province were adopted in Hailun City from 2020 to 2022.The effects of four sowing dates(May 9,16,23 and 30)on growth period and yield were examined.The results showed that with the delay of sowing date,the growth process of soybean was delayed,and the vegetative growth period,reproductive growth period and whole growth period of soybean were shortened with the most significant shortening of vegetative growth period(P<0.05).In the four sowing dates,pod number per plant,kernel number per plant,100 kernel weight and yield of the three soybean varieties were higher in the early sowing dates but lower in the late sowing dates with the kernel number per plant affected the most significantly.The highest yield obtained for the three varieties in the sowing date experiment for Dongsheng 17,Dong-sheng 23 and Heihe 43 was 3 871,3 322,3 484 kg·hm-2 in 2020,4 187,2 627,3 636 kg·hm-2 in 2021,3 532,2 804,3 373 kg·hm-2 in 2022,respectively.Significant yield differences were observed among sowing dates(P<0.05).The influence of meteorological factors on soybean yield by multiple regression analysis model showed that the proportion of influence on yield change was in the order of accumulated temperature in reproductive growth period,precipitation in vegetative growth period,precipitation in reproduc-tive growth period and accumulated temperature in vegetative growth period.Soybean varieties Dongsheng 17,Dongsheng 23 and Heihe 43 could obtain the highest yield when sown in the middle of May.
中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150081||中国科学院大学,北京 100049中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150081中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150081
sowing datessoybeandevelopment processyield
《土壤与作物》 2024 (3)