Woe-fortune interdependence:A meta-analysis of the two-sided effect of narcissistic leadership on subordinates'work efficiency
The effectiveness of controversial narcissistic leadership has not yet reached a consensus.Based on the conservation of resources theory,this study conducts a meta-analysis of 73 independent empirical studies in 67 articles to explore and verify whether,when,and how narcissistic leadership is'Woe-fortune interdependence'.The research shows that:(1)Although the overall effect of narcissistic leadership is negative,it has a two-sided effect,that is,the leadership style will increase subordinates'pressure and inhibit their work attitudes,behaviors and performance,but it will promote their innovation.(2)Industry type,organizational attributes,employee category,employee education and measurement tools have moderating effects.That is,narcissistic leadership is more harmful to manufacturing industry(vs.service industry),for-profit organizations(vs.non-profit organizations),non-knowledge workers(vs.knowledge workers)and low-educated employees,and the use of Hochwarter and Thompson scale(vs.NPI-16 scale)to measure narcissistic leadership leads to stronger negative impact.(3)The two-sided effects of narcissistic leadership are stably realized through employees'psychological safety(negative effect)and creative self-efficacy(positive effect).The research provides a basis for giving full play to the effectiveness of narcissistic leadership.
广东工业大学管理学院,广州 510520广东工业大学管理学院,广州 510520广东工业大学管理学院,广州 510520广东工业大学管理学院,广州 510520广东工业大学管理学院,广州 510520
narcissistic leadershipmeta-analysisconservation of resources theoryinnovationSEM
《心理科学进展》 2024 (9)