Clean Production Practice of Overseas Drilling and Workover Engineering Operations
川庆钻探公司厄瓜多尔项目位于厄瓜多尔东部热带雨林地区,HSE工作极其严格,除了必须严格遵守当地的环保法规要求外,还要接受世界环保公益组织和当地原住民的严格监督.川庆钻探公司厄瓜多尔项目秉承"环保优先""清洁生产""节能降耗"等HSE理念,追求"零污染"战略目标,严格遵守厄瓜多尔环保法律法规,加强污染源辨识与控制,加大环保投入,实施了一系列的清洁化生产实践做法,如加装消音装置降低柴油机噪声值等,取得了优异的环保业绩,得到了当地政府、项目甲方和当地原住民的充分肯定,在 2024年的HSE年度考核中获评"最佳环境管理承包商".这些钻修井工程作业清洁生产实践为中国石油企业在海外开展项目运营提供了良好环保借鉴.
Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company's Ecuador project is located in the eastern tropical rainforest area of Ecuador.HSE work is extremely strict,in addition to strict compliance with local environmental laws and regulations,they also need to accept the strict supervision of the world environmental public welfare organizations and local indigenous peoples.Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company's Ecuador project has adhered to the HSE concepts of"environmental protection priority""cleaner production""energy saving and consumption reduction",and pursued the strategic goal of"zero pollution".and strictly complied with Ecuadorian environmental laws and regulations,and strengthened the identification and control of pollution sources,and increased investment in environmental protection,and implemented a series of clean production practices,such as installing muffler devices to reduce diesel engine noise value,etc.The company has achieved excellent environmental performance,which has been fully recognized by the local government,project Party and local indigenous people,and won the"Best Environmental Management Contractor"in the HSE annual assessment in 2024.These clean production practices in drilling and workover engineering operations provide a good environmental reference for Chinese oil companies to carry out overseas project operations.
overseas drilling and workoveroperationenvironmentriskclean production
《油气田环境保护》 2024 (4)