Application of high-precision magnetic measurement in the exploration of hidden magnetite deposits:A case study of Caozhuangzi area in Qian'an of the eastern Hebei Province
The iron ore mineralization belt in Qian'an area of the eastern Hebei Province is one of the important sedimentary metamorphic iron ore producing areas in China,and the natural type of ore is mainly magnetic.Most of the iron ore deposits discovered in Qian'an area are in resource depletion state,with the improvement of mining and development degree.So there is an urgent need to search for hidden iron ore in this area.The magnetic anoma-ly characteristics of the study area were identified after high-precision ground magnetic measurements in Caozhuan-gzi area of Qian'an in the eastern Hebei Province.The research results indicate that the magnetic anomalies in the study area are mainly caused by concealed magnetic bodies.Thick and large iron ore bodies were discovered in the deep part through drilling verification,and the magnetic anomalies corresponded well with the hidden iron ore bodies observed during the drilling process,indicating that high-precision magnetic measurement has a good pros-pecting effect for the deep hidden iron ore bodies in the metamorphic rock area of the eastern Hebei Province.This study could provide some references for iron ore exploration in Qian'an area.
河北省地质矿产勘查开发局第五地质大队(河北省海洋地质环境调查中心),河北 唐山 063000河北省地质矿产勘查开发局第五地质大队(河北省海洋地质环境调查中心),河北 唐山 063000河北省地质矿产勘查开发局第五地质大队(河北省海洋地质环境调查中心),河北 唐山 063000河北省地质矿产勘查开发局第五地质大队(河北省海洋地质环境调查中心),河北 唐山 063000河北省地质矿产勘查开发局第五地质大队(河北省海洋地质环境调查中心),河北 唐山 063000河北省地质矿产勘查开发局第五地质大队(河北省海洋地质环境调查中心),河北 唐山 063000
high precision magnetic measurementhidden magnetitedeep mineral explorationdrilling verifica-tionQian'an of the eastern Hebei Province
《中国地质调查》 2024 (4)