Detrital composition of Tiesiao Formation and Liangjiehe Formation of Nanhua System in Songtao Highland of the northeastern Guizhou Province and tectonic setting of its source regions
The tectonic properties of Xuefeng movement has significant controversies.This study anglyzed the ter-rigenous detrital composition of Tiesiao Formation and Liangjiehe Formation of Nanhua System in Songtao Highland of the northeastern Guizhou Province,using Dickinson triangle diagrams theory.The results show that the terrige-nous detrital source mainly comes from arc orogen sources and recycled orogen provenances,accompanied by vol-canic activities.The maturity of the detrital components in Tiesiao Formation is relatively low,and the components mainly landed around the volcanic arc source area,showing the characteristics of near erosion and transporting ac-cumulation.The quartz content in Liangjiehe Formation is higher than that in Tiesiao Formation,which lands in the recycled orogen provenances.The detrital composition contains basalt,andesitic basalt,trachyte,tuff,ignim-brite,rhyolite,felsic mylonites and so on,indicating that intracontinental rift and intraplate orogenic mechanism occurred during or before the sedimentation of Tiesiao Formation and Liangjiehe Formation in the study area.This research could provide some microscopic evidence for tectonic attribute of Xuefeng movement.
贵州省地质调查院,贵州 贵阳 550081贵州省地质调查院,贵州 贵阳 550081贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局一○三地质大队,贵州 铜仁 554300贵州省地质矿产中心实验室,贵州 贵阳 550018贵州省地质调查院,贵州 贵阳 550081
Nanhua SystemTiesiao FormationLiangjiehe Formationterrigenous debrisintracontinental riftintraplate orogeny
《中国地质调查》 2024 (4)