Volcanic eruption cycles division and characteristics in Huolinhe area of the central and southern Greater Khingan Mountain
大兴安岭中南段霍林河地区自中生代以来火山活动强烈,形成了广泛分布的中侏罗世—早白垩世中酸性火山岩,是研究中生代火山喷发演化特征的理想地区.通过在霍林河地区运用"火山岩岩性与岩相-火山构造-岩石地层"三重填图方法进行填图,对岩性、岩相、火山喷发旋回及韵律特征进行总结分析.结果显示:霍林河地区出露岩性种类可分为普通火山碎屑岩、熔结火山碎屑岩、熔岩、沉积火山碎屑岩和火山碎屑沉积岩、潜火山岩共6 类,岩相主要有爆发相、火山碎屑流相、火山爆发崩塌相、火山喷发沉积相、溢流相、火山颈相、侵出相及潜火山岩相共8 类;本区火山活动可划分为新民期((163.7±1.7)~(160.0±4.0)Ma)、塔木兰沟期((164.2±4.1)~(159.7±2.7)Ma)、满克头鄂博期((163.4±1.3)~(157.0±1.1)Ma)、玛尼吐期((151.4±2.6)~(144.0±2.8)Ma)、白音高老期((141.7±1.3)~(128.6±1.4)Ma)、梅勒图期((133.4±1.5)~(127.7±1.4)Ma)共6个火山喷发旋回,对应6 个组级火山岩地层单元.在中侏罗世,霍林河地区的火山活动不稳定,少量酸性火山碎屑岩爆发并伴有较多间歇期,晚期主要为中性熔岩的平静溢流;晚侏罗世火山活动表现为酸性火山碎屑岩的强烈爆发,并伴随有少量中酸性火山熔岩溢出;早白垩世早期早阶段火山活动表现为酸性火山碎屑岩的强烈爆发作用,早期晚阶段火山活动表现为中基性火山熔岩的平静溢流.霍林河地区的火山活动代表了典型的大兴安岭中南段中生代火山喷发旋回特征,研究成果有助于对大兴安岭中南段中生代火山喷发旋回进行合理划分,促进不同地区火山岩岩性组合、火山活动特征、岩相建造及火山地层的深入对比研究.
Huolinhe area in the central and southern Greater Khingan Mountain has experienced strong volcanic ac-tivities since Mesozoic Era,and widely distributed intermediate acidic volcanic rocks were formed from Middle Ju-rassic to Early Cretaceous,which is a desirable area for evolution characteristics research of volcanic eruption during Mesozoic Era.The triple mapping method of"volcanic lithology and lithofacies,volcanic structure,and rock strata"was used in Huolinhe area to summarize and analyze the lithology,lithofacies,volcanic eruption cycles,and rhyth-mic characteristics.The result shows that the types of exposed rock types in this area can be divided into six catego-ries,including ordinary pyroclastic rocks,fused pyroclastic rocks,lava,sedimentary pyroclastic rocks and pyro-clastic sedimentary rocks,and latent volcanic rock.And there are eight types of lithofacies,including explosive fa-cies,pyroclastic flow facies,volcanic eruption collapse facies,overflow facies,volcanic eruption sedimentary faci-es,volcanic neck facies,intrusive facies,and subvolcanic lithofacies.The volcanic activity in this area can be di-vided into six volcanic eruption cycles:Xinmin period((163.7±1.7)~(160.0±4.0)Ma),Tamulangou period((164.2±4.1)~(159.7±2.7)Ma),Manketouebo period((163.4±1.3)~(157.0±1.1)Ma),Manitu period((151.4±2.6)~(144.0±2.8)Ma),Baiyingaolao period((141.7±1.3)~(128.6±1.4)Ma),and Meiletu period((133.4±1.5)~(127.7±1.4)Ma),corresponding to the six volcanic rock stratigraphic formation.Vol-canic activity was unstable in Huolinhe area during Middle Jurassic.A small amount of acidic volcanic debris erup-ted and were accompanied by many intermittent periods,followed by mainly calm overflow of neutral lava in the late phase.There was a strong eruption of acidic volcanic clastic rocks during Late Jurassic,accompanied by a small a-mount of medium acidic volcanic lava overflow.In the early stages of Early Cretaceous,the early stage volcanic ac-tivities were characterized by strong eruption of acidic volcanic clastic rocks,and the late stage volcanic activities were characterized by calm overflow of medium basic volcanic lava.The volcanic activities in this area could repre-sent the characteristics of the eruption cycles of Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the central and southern Greater Khingan Mountain.Therefore,the research result is of great significance to the reasonable division of the eruption cycles of Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the central and southern Greater Khingan Mountain,and could help promote in-depth comparative studies of volcanic rock combinations,volcanic activity characteristics,lithofacies construction,and volcanic stratigraphy in different regions.
内蒙古第十地质矿产勘查开发有限责任公司,内蒙古 赤峰 024000
volcanic mappingvolcanic eruption cyclerhythmvolcanic structurelithologylithofacies
《中国地质调查》 2024 (4)