How can agricultural productive services promote the durable protection of farmers' cropland?micro-evidence from 959 farmer surveys in Hubei Province
在加快建设农业强国,推进农业农村现代化的战略背景下,农业生产性服务作为促进小农户和现代农业发展有机衔接的重要途径,对农业可持续发展具有重要意义.为此,该研究基于湖北省6县959份农户调查数据,构建农户耕地保护措施认可度和农业生产性服务满意度"双路径"分析框架,通过是否采用、持续采用、未来采用3个层面刻画耕地持久保护行为特征,利用Probit、NB2、Or-dered Probit和CMP模型,探究农业生产性服务对农户耕地持久保护的影响机理.研究发现:①基准回归分析表明,农业生产性服务能为农户耕地持久保护"续航",即农业生产性服务助推农户持久采用秸秆还田和病虫草害综合防控措施,且经过稳健性检验和内生性讨论后,结论依旧成立.②机制分析表明,农业生产性服务可通过提高农户耕地保护措施认可度和农业生产性服务满意度有效促进农户耕地持久保护,且二者的作用不受措施属性特征影响.③异质效应分析表明,农业生产性服务对农户耕地持久保护的影响存在异质性.一是对一兼农户耕地持久保护影响显著,对二兼农户耕地持续保护影响不显著;二是对低老龄化农户耕地持久保护影响显著,对高老龄化农户耕地持续保护影响不显著.进一步地,在高老龄化农户分组中,农业生产性服务的作用效果受措施属性特征影响而表现出差异性,即有助于高老龄化农户未来采用资本密集型的秸秆还田措施,而对于未来采用劳动密集型的病虫草害综合防控措施的影响不显著.据此,该研究认为构建以农户为中心、以农业生产性服务"有效市场"为重心、以赋能赋权"有为政府"为核心的多方协同机制,是助推耕地持久保护和农业可持续发展目标实现的关键举措.
In the context of China's effort to become an agricultural power and advance its rural modernization,agricultural productive services play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between smallholder farmers and modern agriculture,contributing significantly to sus-tainable agricultural development.This empirical study,based on a sample of 959 farmers from six Hubei counties,employed a dual-path analysis framework combining farmers' recognition of cropland protection measures with their satisfaction with agricultural produc-tive services.The research delved into long-term cropland protection behaviors through three dimensions:adoption,persistence,and fu-ture intentions.Utilizing Probit,NB2,Ordered Probit,and CMP models,the investigation explored the impact of agricultural productive services on farmers' durable cropland protection practices.Key findings included:① The benchmark regression analysis revealed that agricultural productive services acted as'fuel'for durable cropland protection,encouraging farmers to maintain practices such as crop residue management and integrated pest control.Robustness checks and addressing endogeneity ensured the reliability of these find-ings.② The mechanism analysis uncovered that these services concurrently enhanced farmers' recognition of cropland protection mea-sures and their satisfaction with agricultural productive services,effectively driving long-term protection.The effects of both factors were not influenced by the nature of the measures.③ The heterogeneity analysis highlighted disparities in the impact of agricultural productive services.The services significantly contributed to the part-time farmers' long-term cropland protection,while their influence on off-farm farmers' continuous protection was less pronounced.Moreover,the services had a stronger effect on younger farmers com-pared to older ones.Age-related factors revealed that agricultural productive services were more effective for older farmers in promoting capital-intensive crop residue management,whereas their impact on labor-intensive pest and disease control was less significant.Conse-quently,this study argues that a collaborative framework centered on farmers,with a focus on the'efficient market'for agricultural pro-ductive services and a'proactive government'that actively supports and equips farmers,is essential for achieving long-term cropland protection and sustainable agricultural goals.
华中农业大学经济管理学院,湖北 武汉 430070||湖北农村发展研究中心,湖北 武汉 430070华中农业大学经济管理学院,湖北 武汉 430070||湖北农村发展研究中心,湖北 武汉 430070
agricultural productive servicedurable protection of croplandrecognitionsatisfaction
《中国人口·资源与环境》 2024 (7)