

Biological Characteristics of Leptopilina myrica and the Effects of Its Parasitism on Host Immunity


杨梅小环腹瘿蜂Leptopilina myrica是一种于浙江省诱捕得到,能高效寄生果蝇幼虫的内寄生蜂,目前国内外对该物种的报道较少.本研究运用形态成像,血细胞计数和实时荧光定量PCR等方法对杨梅小环腹瘿蜂的生物学特性及其寄生对寄主免疫反应的影响进行研究.结果表明,杨梅小环腹瘿蜂在寄主体内完成卵期、幼虫期和蛹期三个阶段.在实验室条件下,杨梅小环腹瘿蜂能高效寄生包括斑翅果蝇在内的多种果蝇属害虫;其对黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster的寄生率和出蜂率相对较高,分别为 87.3%和 70.6%.此外,杨梅小环腹瘿蜂寄生会引起黑腹果蝇寄主强烈的免疫反应:被寄生后的寄主血细胞数量明显增加,并在寄生 48 h后诱导产生大量的薄层细胞参与包囊反应;寄生后的寄主体内Imd、Toll以及PO等免疫通路中主要基因的转录水平显著上升.面对黑腹果蝇寄主的免疫反应,杨梅小环腹瘿蜂通过将卵粘附于肠道等寄主组织的方式逃避寄主免疫,从而成功寄生.本研究揭示了杨梅小环腹瘿蜂成功寄生果蝇类害虫的机制,为害虫生物防治提供重要的知识储备.

The endoparasitoid wasp Leptopilina myrica is a newly discovered larval-pupal parasitoid of Drosophila,which was recently collected in Zhejiang Province of China.Till now,few studies have been reported on this species.In this study,we investigated the biological characteristics of L.myrica and its impact on host immune response using morphological analysis,hematological analysis and quantitative real-time PCR.The results showed that L.myrica completes its egg,larval,and pupal stages within the host body.Under the laboratory conditions,L.myrica could efficiently parasitize various Drosophila species including Drosophila suzukii.The parasitism rate and emergence rate were much higher on D.melanogaster,which was 87.3%and 70.6%,respectively.L.myrica-parasitization could induce a strong immune response in D.melanogaster:the numbers of hemocytes and differentiated lamellocytes were significantly increased in the hosts,leading to the encapsulation reaction.Moreover,the transcriptional levels of some critic immune genes in Imd,Toll and PO pathways were significantly upregulated post L.myrica-parasitization.Interestingly,L.myrica was found to evade the D.melanogaster immune response by adhering its eggs on host tissues such as intestine,thus ensured successful parasitization.The results have revealed the mechanisms of how parasitoid wasps defend themselves for survival and provided important knowledge for pest biological control.


浙江大学昆虫科学研究所,杭州 310058||浙江省农作物病虫生物学重点实验室,杭州 310058浙江大学昆虫科学研究所,杭州 310058||浙江省农作物病虫生物学重点实验室,杭州 310058||浙江大学作物科学研究所,杭州 310058



Drosophilaendoparasitoidbiological characteristicsimmune response

《中国生物防治学报》 2024 (004)

793-803 / 11


