

Predation of Diaphania indica Larvae by Arma chinensis


瓜绢螟是葫芦科作物上重要的害虫,蠋蝽是对农林害虫具有强捕食能力的天敌.为探明蠋蝽若虫对瓜绢螟幼虫的捕食能力,本文在室内 27℃条件下,开展蠋蝽 3 龄和 5 龄若虫对不同密度的瓜绢螟 3 龄和5 龄幼虫的捕食作用研究,并用捕食功能反应模型进行拟合.结果表明蠋蝽若虫对瓜绢螟幼虫的捕食均符合 HollongⅡ功能反应模型.蠋蝽捕食量随瓜绢螟密度的升高而增加,但随着害虫密度进一步增加捕食量增长的趋势变缓.搜寻效应随瓜绢螟密度的增加而逐渐降低.5 龄蠋蝽若虫对 3 龄和 5 龄瓜绢螟的瞬时攻击率、处理时间、捕食量和控害效能均优于 3 龄蠋蝽,且其拟合的Holling II圆盘方程效果更好.因此建议选择蠋蝽 5龄若虫进行田间释放用于防控瓜绢螟.本研究明确了蠋蝽捕食瓜绢螟的潜力,为进一步田间释放蠋蝽防控瓜绢螟提供科学参考.

Diaphania indica Saunders is one of the most important pests in cucurbitaceae vegetables.Arma chinensis Fallou is a powerful predator which can feed on agricultural and forestry pests.The predation capability of A.chinensis to D.indica was studied by measuring the predation potential of the 3rd and 5th A.chinensis nymphs to the 3rd and 5th D.indica under different densities at 27℃in the laboratory and fitting the data with the functional response model.The results showed that the predation functional response of different A.chinensis nymphs to different D.indica larvae all fitted well with Holling Ⅱ model.The predation amount increased with the increase of the pest density,but showed a slowed increase at higher prey density.The searching efficiency decreased with the increase of the pest density.Compared with the 3rd A.chinensis nymphs,the 5th nymphs had a higher instantaneous attack rate,shorter treatment time,more predation number and higher predation efficacy.Further,the predation functional response was better fitted to Holling II disc equation.Hence,it is suggested that the 5th A.chinensis nymphs be released in the fields to control D.indica larvae.In this study,the predation potential of A.chinensis nymphs is clarified,which provides a scientific support for the release of the predator to control D.indica larvae in fields.


扬州大学植物保护学院,扬州 225009



Diaphania indicaArma chinensispredation functionfunctional response

《中国生物防治学报》 2024 (004)

813-819 / 7


