首页|期刊导航|Forest Ecosystems|Tree structure and diversity shape the biomass of primary temperate mountain forests

Tree structure and diversity shape the biomass of primary temperate mountain forestsOACSTPCD


Primary forests are spatially diverse terrestrial ecosystems with unique characteristics,being naturally regenerative and heterogeneous,which supports the stability of their carbon storage through the accumulation of live and dead biomass.Yet,little is known about the interactions between biomass stocks,tree genus diversity and structure across a temperate montane primary forest.Here,we investigated the relationship between tree structure(variability in basal area and tree size),genus-level diversity(abundance,tree diversity)and biomass stocks in temperate primary mountain forests across Central and Eastern Europe.We used inventory data from726 permanent sample plots from mixed beech and spruce across the Carpathian Mountains.We used nonlinear regression to analyse the spatial variability in forest biomass,structure,and genus-level diversity and how they interact with plot-level tree age,disturbances,temperature and altitude.We found that the combined effects of genus and structural indices were important for addressing the variability in biomass across different spatial scales.Local processes in disturbance regimes and uneven tree age support forest hete rogeneity and the accumulation of live and dead biomass through the natural regeneration,growth and decay of the forest ecosystem.Structural complexities in basal area index,supporte d by genus-level abundance,positively influence total biomass stocks,which was modulated by tree age and disturbances.Spruce forests showed higher tree density and basal area than mixed beech forests,though mixed beech still contributes significantly to biomass across landscapes.Forest heterogeneity was strongly influenced by complexities in forest composition(tree genus diversity,structure).We addressed the importance of primary forests as stable carbon stores,achieved through structure and diversity.Safeguarding such ecosystems is critical for ensuring the stability of the primary forest,carbon store and biodiversity into the future.

Dheeraj Ralhan;Ruffy Rodrigo;Heather Keith;Annemiek Irene Stegehuis;Jakob Pavlin;Yumei Jiang;Milos Rydval;Juliana Nogueira;Alexandre Fruleux;Marek Svitok;Martin Mikolas;Daniel Kozak;Martin Dusatko;Pavel Janda;Oleh Chaskovsky;Catalin-Constantin Roibu;Miroslav Svoboda

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Kamycka 129,Suchdol,16521 Praha 6,Czech RepublicCzech University of Life Sciences Prague,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Kamycka 129,Suchdol,16521 Praha 6,Czech Republic Department of Forest Science,Biliran Province State University,Biliran,6549,PhilippinesGriffith Climate Action Beacon,Griffith University,Parklands Drive,Southport,Gold Coast,Queensland,4222,AustraliaLaboratoire de Geologie,IPSL,CNRS,UMR 8538,Ecole Normale Superieure,PSL University,Paris,FranceCzech University of Life Sciences Prague,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Kamycka 129,Suchdol,16521 Praha 6,Czech RepublicCzech University of Life Sciences Prague,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Kamycka 129,Suchdol,16521 Praha 6,Czech RepublicCzech University of Life Sciences Prague,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Kamycka 129,Suchdol,16521 Praha 6,Czech RepublicCzech University of Life Sciences Prague,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Kamycka 129,Suchdol,16521 Praha 6,Czech RepublicUniv.Lille,Institut Mines-Telecom,Univ.Artois,Junia,ULR 4515,LGCgE,Laboratoire de Genie Civil et Geo-Environnement,F-59000,Lille,FranceCzech University of Life Sciences Prague,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Kamycka 129,Suchdol,16521 Praha 6,Czech Republic Department of Biology and General Ecology,Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences,Technical University in Zvolen,Masaryka 24,96001,Zvolen,SlovakiaCzech University of Life Sciences Prague,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Kamycka 129,Suchdol,16521 Praha 6,Czech RepublicCzech University of Life Sciences Prague,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Kamycka 129,Suchdol,16521 Praha 6,Czech RepublicCzech University of Life Sciences Prague,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Kamycka 129,Suchdol,16521 Praha 6,Czech RepublicCzech University of Life Sciences Prague,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Kamycka 129,Suchdol,16521 Praha 6,Czech RepublicInstitute of Forest Management,Ukrainian National Forestry University,Lviv,UkraineForest Biometrics Laboratory–Faculty of Forestry,Stefan Cel Mare University of Suceava,Universitații Street Number.13,Suceava,720229,RomaniaCzech University of Life Sciences Prague,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Kamycka 129,Suchdol,16521 Praha 6,Czech Republic


Biodiversity indicatorsBiomass carbon stockEcosystem functioningForest compositionPrimary forest structureTree size distribution

《Forest Ecosystems》 2024 (4)


funded by the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague(Internal Grant Agency:A_03_22-43110/1312/3101)the Czech Science(GACR 21-27454S)。

