首页|期刊导航|Forest Ecosystems|Sustaining forest biodiversity:Exploring the effect of long-term natural disturbance dynamics on contemporary lichen communities in primary forest ecosystems

Sustaining forest biodiversity:Exploring the effect of long-term natural disturbance dynamics on contemporary lichen communities in primary forest ecosystemsOACSTPCD


In this era of biodiversity loss and climate change,quantifying the impacts of natural disturbance on forest communities is imperative to improve biodiversity conservation efforts.Epiphytic and epixylic lichens are effective forest quality bioindicators,as they are generally long-lived organisms supported by continuity of specific forest structures and their associated microclimatic features.However,how lichen communities respond to the effects of fluctuating historical disturbances remains unclear.Using a dendrochronological approach,this study investigates how natural disturbance dynamics indirectly influence various lichen community metrics in some of Europe''s best-preserved primary mixed-beech forests.Mixed modelling revealed that natural historical disturbance processes have decades-long effects on forest structural attributes,which had both congruent and divergent impacts on lichen community richness and composition.Total species richness indirectly benefited from both historical and recent higher-severity disturbances via increased standing dead tree basal area and canopy openness respectively-likely through the presence of both pioneer and late-successional species associated with these conditions.Red-listed species richness showed a dependence on habitat continuity(old trees),and increased with disturbance-related structures(standing dead trees)whilst simultaneously benefiting from periods without severe disturbance events(old trees and reduced deadwood volume).However,if the disturbance occurred over a century in the past,no substantial effect on forest structure was detected.Therefore,while disturbance-mediated forest structures can promote overall richness,threatened species appear vulnerable to more severe disturbance events-a concern,as disturbances are predicted to intensify with climate change.Additionally,the high number of threatened species found reinforce the critical role of primary forest structural attributes for biodiversity maintenance.Hence,we recommend a landscape-scale conservation approach encompassing forest patches in different successional stages to support diverse lichen communities,and the consideration of long-term disturbance dynamics in forest conservation efforts,as they provide critical insights for safeguarding biodiversity in our changing world.

Rhiannon Gloor;Marek Svitok;Martin Mikolas;Jenyk Hofmeister;Josef Halda;Pavel Janda;Francesco Maria Sabatini;Lucie Zemanova;Arne Buechling;Daniel Kozak;Matej Ferencik;Michal Frankovic;Martin Dusatko;Miroslav Svoboda

Department of Forest Ecology,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,Kamycka 129,Praha 6–Suchdol,16500,Czech RepublicDepartment of Forest Ecology,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,Kamycka 129,Praha 6–Suchdol,16500,Czech Republic Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences,Technical University in Zvolen,T.G.Masaryka 24,96001,Zvolen,Slovakia Institute of Botany,Plant Science and Biodiversity Center,Slovak Academy of Sciences,Dúbravska cesta 9,84523,Bratislava,SlovakiaDepartment of Forest Ecology,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,Kamycka 129,Praha 6–Suchdol,16500,Czech Republic PRALES,Odtrnovie 563,01322,Rosina,SlovakiaDepartment of Forest Ecology,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,Kamycka 129,Praha 6–Suchdol,16500,Czech RepublicFaculty of Science,University of Hradec Kralove,Hradecka 1285,Hradec Kralove,Ⅲ50003,Czech RepublicDepartment of Forest Ecology,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,Kamycka 129,Praha 6–Suchdol,16500,Czech RepublicBIOME–Biogeography and Macroecology,Department of Biological,Geological and Environmental Sciences(BIGEA),Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna,via Irnerio 42,Bologna,ItalyDepartment of Forest Ecology,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,Kamycka 129,Praha 6–Suchdol,16500,Czech RepublicDepartment of Forest Ecology,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,Kamycka 129,Praha 6–Suchdol,16500,Czech RepublicDepartment of Forest Ecology,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,Kamycka 129,Praha 6–Suchdol,16500,Czech RepublicDepartment of Forest Ecology,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,Kamycka 129,Praha 6–Suchdol,16500,Czech RepublicDepartment of Forest Ecology,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,Kamycka 129,Praha 6–Suchdol,16500,Czech RepublicDepartment of Forest Ecology,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,Kamycka 129,Praha 6–Suchdol,16500,Czech RepublicDepartment of Forest Ecology,Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,Kamycka 129,Praha 6–Suchdol,16500,Czech Republic


Mixed-beech forestsSpecies richnessOld-growth forestsCarpathian mountainsBiodiversity conservationDendroecologyFagus sylvatica

《Forest Ecosystems》 2024 (4)


supported by the Czech Science Foundation(grant no.GACR 22-31322S)the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague(grant no.IGA A_19_22)supported by the Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure(OPII)funded by the ERDF(ITMS313011T721)Specific research PrF UHK 2114/2022 for the financial supportthe financial support of the Rita-Levi Montalcini(2019)programmefunded by the Italian Ministry of University。

