

The Configuration of Business Model Innovation and Organizational Innovation of Manufacturing Enterprises from the Perspective of Digital Transformation


数字化转型并不是简单地加载数字技术,其本质目标是融合数字技术促使企业不断创新进而赢取转型效益.当下的新业态模式、新组织形态等层出不穷,加之创新又是一个复杂的多维变量,为探究数字化转型视角下的商业模式创新与组织创新如何匹配获取真正的转型成效,以制造企业为对象,构建数字化转型视角下商业模式创新与组织创新的组态模型,运用模糊定性比较分析(fs-QCA)方法,对数字化转型过程中多维创新要素匹配取得理想转型绩效的复杂机制进行组态分析.研究发现,有3 种实现理想数字化转型绩效的组态和2 种非理想数字化转型绩效的组态.结果显示,技术创新是企业转型的重要基石,不同类型商业模式创新与组织创新子维度协同匹配是企业转型成功的关键所在,企业应当根据自身实际选择适合的创新组态类型.研究结论能够为制造企业理解数字化转型中创新要素耦合规律提供启示,为实现"数字中国""制造强国"等战略目标贡献力量.

Digital transformation is not simply loading digital technology,its essential goal is to integrate digital technology to promote enterprises to innovate and win transformation benefits.At present,new business models and new organizational forms are emerging in an endless stream,and innovation is a complex multidimensional variable.In order to explore how to match business model innovation and or-ganizational innovation from the perspective of digital transformation to obtain real transformation re-sults,this paper constructs a configuration model of business model innovation(BMI)and organizational innovation(OI)from the perspective of digital transformation with manufacturing enterprises as the ob-ject,and used the fuzzy qualitative comparative analysis(fs-QCA)method to analyze the complex mechanism of matching multi-dimensional innovation elements to achieve ideal transformation perform-ance in the process of digital transformation.It is found that there are three configurations to achieve i-deal digital transformation performance and two configurations to achieve non-ideal digital transforma-tion performance.The results indicate that technological innovation is an important cornerstone of enter-prise transformation,and the synergy and matching of different types of business model innovation and organizational innovation sub-dimensions is the key to the success of enterprise transformation.The re-search conclusions provides enlightenment for manufacturing enterprises to understand the coupling law of innovation elements in digital transformation,and contributes to the realization of strategic goals such as"Digital China"and"Manufacturing Power".


太原理工大学 经济管理学院,山西 晋中 030600山西省直机关坞城路幼儿园,山西 太原 030006OTIS在华分公司,山西 太原 030000


digital transformationbusiness model innovationorganizational innovationfuzzy set quali-tative comparative analysistransformation performance

《技术与创新管理》 2024 (005)

499-513 / 15


