

A Study on the Impact of Government Subsidies on Firm ESG Performance and Dual Mediation Effect


作为市场经济中"看得见的手",政府补贴对企业ESG表现具有重要意义.以 2011-2022 年沪深A股上市公司为研究样本,通过构建双重固定效应模型和双重中介模型,实证检验政府补贴对企业ESG表现的影响及传导路径.研究发现,政府补贴显著改善了企业ESG表现,且在稳健性检验后结论依然成立;机制检验表明,政府补贴通过推动企业数字化转型和绿色技术创新,从而提高企业ESG表现;异质性检验表明,政府补贴对企业ESG表现的正向效应在我国东中部地区、环境规制力度强区域、高科技行业、制造业、中小规模企业和高管具有可持续发展理念企业中更为显著.政府应充分利用政府补贴这一调控手段,企业则应完善内部治理和ESG建设体系,进而为实现"双碳"目标和经济高质量发展添砖加瓦.

As"the visible hand"in the market economy,government subsidies are of great significance to corporate ESG performance.Taking A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen from 2011 to 2022 as research samples,this paper empirically examines the impact of government subsidies on corporate ESG performance and the transmission path by constructing a dual fixed effects model and a dual mediation model.It is found that government subsidies significantly improve corporate ESG per-formance,and the conclusion still holds after the robustness test.The mechanism test finds that govern-ment subsidies improve firms'ESG performance by promoting firms'digital transformation and green technology innovation.The heterogeneity test finds that the positive effect of government subsidies on firms'ESG performance is more significant in the eastern and central regions of China,regions with strong environmental regulations,high-tech industries,manufacturing industries,small and medium-sized firms,and firms whose executives have a sustainable development philosophy.Therefore,the gov-ernment should use government subsidies as a regulatory tool,and enterprises should improve internal governance and ESG construction system,thus adding bricks and mortar to achieve the dual-carbon goal and the high-quality economic development.


太原理工大学 经济管理学院,山西 晋中 030600



government subsidiesESG performancedigital transformationgreen technology innova-tiondual mediation effect

《技术与创新管理》 2024 (005)

532-544 / 13


