Design and Experiment of Vertical Groove Seed Feeding Device in Air-assisted Centralized Metering Device for Rapeseed and Wheat
针对现有油麦兼用气送式集排器供种装置兼用供种结构复杂、大播量工况下供种量不足等问题,设计了一种立槽式高通量油麦兼用供种装置.阐述了立槽式供种装置工作原理,确定了变容积供种机构主要结构参数,分析了供种转速和立式槽轮叶片伸出量等工作参数对供种装置油菜、小麦供种性能的影响规律,明确了油菜、小麦供种性能较优时的工作参数范围.EDEM仿真试验结果表明,立槽式供种装置具有良好的破拱充种性能及供种过程种子运动轨迹一致性,当小麦供种转速不小于20r/min、叶片伸出量不小于9 mm时,可有效避免脉动供种问题对其供种性能的影响,实现油麦兼用稳定供种.台架试验结果表明,排种油菜时,供种转速为10~30r/min,供种装置供种速率可达66.20~210.41 g/min,供种速率稳定性变异系数小于2.3%,种子破损率小于0.65%;排种小麦时,供种转速为20~50 r/min,叶片伸出量为9~21 mm,供种装置供种速率可达1 184.20~6 080.44 g/min,供种速率稳定性变异系数小于1.9%,种子破损率小于0.4%.田间试验结果表明,当油菜、小麦播种量分别为6.5、180 kg/hm2时,搭载立槽式供种装置播种机总播量误差分别为1.68%和4.16%,出苗后测量得油菜、小麦平均株距分别为56.96、23.34 mm,各行株数一致性变异系数分别为16.92%、18.02%,满足油麦兼用播种作业标准要求.
Aiming at the problems of complex seeding structures and insufficient seeding rates under high-volume conditions in existing pneumatic seeding devices for both rapeseed and wheat,a vertical trough high-throughput seeding device was designed.The working principle of the seeding device was expounded,the main structural parameters of the variable volume seeding mechanism were determined,the effects of working parameters such as seeding speed and the extension length of vertical trough wheel blades on the seeding performance for rapeseed and wheat were analyzed,and the optimal working parameter ranges for the seeding performance of rapeseed and wheat were clarified.The EDEM simulation test results showed that vertical trough seed supply device had good arch-breaking and seed-filling performance,as well as consistency of seed movement trajectory during seed supply.When the seeding speed for wheat was not less than 20 r/min and the blade extension length was not less than 9 mm,it can effectively avoid pulsation seeding issues and achieve stable seeding for both rapeseed and wheat.Bench test results indicated that when seeding rapeseed at a seeding speed of 10~30 r/min,the seeding device's seeding rate can reach 66.20~210.41 g/min,with coefficient of variation for seeding rate stability of less than 2.3%and seed breakage rate of less than 0.65%.When seeding wheat at seeding speed of 20~50 r/min and blade extension length of 9~21 mm,the seeding device's seeding rate can reach 1 184.20~6 080.44 g/min,with coefficient of variation for seeding rate stability of less than 1.9%and seed breakage rate of less than 0.4%.Field test results showed that when the seeding rates for rapeseed and wheat was 6.5 kg/hm2 and 180 kg/hm2,respectively,the total seeding errors for the seeder equipped with the vertical trough seeding device was 1.68%and 4.16%,respectively.Post-emergence measurements indicated that the average plant spacing for rapeseed and wheat was 56.96 mm and 23.34 mm,respectively,and the coefficient of variation of the consistency of each row was 16.92%and 18.02%,respectively,meeting the standard requirements of seeding operations.
华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070||农业农村部长江中下游农业装备重点实验室,武汉 430070华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070||农业农村部长江中下游农业装备重点实验室,武汉 430070
rapeseedwheatvertical groove seed feeding devicevariable volume of seed spaceair-assisted centralized metering device
《农业机械学报》 2024 (9)