Comparative analysis of production performance and nutritional quality of different forage sorghum varieties in Hexi Corridor
试验旨在解决河西走廊干旱半干旱种植区畜牧业发展过程中存在的优质、高产饲草紧缺的问题.试验选取9个不同饲草高粱品种作为研究对象,通过测定分析其生育期、生产特性、草产量和营养品质等性状,开展品种比较试验,运用模糊数学隶属函数进行综合评价.结果显示:参试品种的物候期虽有差异,但均能够完成整个生育进程;克沃2号、超级糖王、辽甜1号的鲜草产量分别为125 803.10、118 317.04、102 914.09 kg/hm2,干草产量分别为43 817.22、45 350.92、30 565.49 kg/hm2,均显著高于其他品种(P<0.05);粗蛋白(CP)和粗脂肪(EE)含量最高的品种是BJ0906,依次为12.56%、2.96%,显著高于其他品种(P<0.05);水溶性碳水化合物(WSC)含量最高的品种是雅津4148,为40.60%,显著高于其他品种(P<0.05);中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)含量最低的品种是BJ0906,依次为40.24%、27.34%,显著低于除超级糖王外的其他品种(P<0.05);相对饲用价值(RFV)和相对牧草品质(RFQ)最高的是BJ0906,最低的是大力士.平均隶属函数值较高的是BJ0906、超级糖王,综合生产性能表现最差的品种是大力士.研究表明,BJ0906和超级糖王适合在河西走廊干旱半干旱种植区大面积种植,在实际生产种植过程中可根据不同的用途选择合适的品种.
This study aimed to address the shortage of high-quality and high-yield forage in the livestock industry development of the arid and semi-arid planting areas of the Hexi Corridor.The experiment selected nine different sorghum forage varieties as research subjects.By measuring and analyzing traits such as growth period,production characteristics,forage yield,and nutritional quality,a variety comparison experiment was conducted.A comprehensive evaluation is carried out using fuzzy mathematical membership functions.The results showed that although there were differences in the phenological stages of the varieties,all could complete the entire growth process.The varieties Kewo No.2,Super Sweet King,and Liaotian No.1 had significantly higher fresh and dry forage yields of 125 803.10,118 317.04,102 914.09 kg/hm2,and 43 817.22,45 350.92,30 565.49 kg/hm2,respectively,compared to other varieties(P<0.05).The variety BJ0906 had the highest content of crude protein(CP)at 12.56%and crude fat(EE)at 2.96%,which was significantly higher than other varieties(P<0.05).The variety Yajin 4148 had the highest water-soluble carbohydrate(WSC)content at 40.60%,significantly higher than other varieties(P<0.05).The variety with the lowest content of neutral detergent fiber(NDF)and acid detergent fiber(ADF)was BJ0906,with values of 40.24%and 27.34%,respectively,significantly lower than all other varieties except Super Sweet King(P<0.05).The relative feed value(RFV)and relative forage quality(RFQ)were highest for BJ0906 and lowest for Hercules.The average membership function values were higher for BJ0906 and Super Sweet King,while the overall production performance was worst for Hercules.The study indicates that BJ0906 and Super Sweet King are suitable for large-scale planting in the arid and semi-arid planting areas of the Hexi Corridor,and appropriate varieties can be selected for different uses in actual production.
武威市农业科学研究院,甘肃武威 733000武威市农业科学研究院,甘肃武威 733000武威市农业科学研究院,甘肃武威 733000古浪县农业技术推广中心,甘肃武威 733100武威市农业科学研究院,甘肃武威 733000
forage sorghumyieldnutritional qualityvariety comparisonmembership function
《饲料研究》 2024 (16)