

Analysis on Brain CT Results of Brain Structural Abnormalities and Cavum Septi Pellucidi in Patients with Schizophrenia


目的 分析精神分裂症患者脑结构异常及透明隔腔的脑部CT检查结果.方法 选取2020年4月至2023年5月我院收治的精神分裂症患者82例作为研究组,另选取同期我院收治其他精神疾病患者82例作为对照组,均进行脑部CT检查,比较两组的脑结构异常发生率、透明隔腔发生率、透明隔腔CT参数.结果 研究组脑结构异常、透明隔腔发生率均显著高于对照组(P<0.05).研究组透明隔腔体积、长度、宽度均显著高于对照组(P<0.05).结论 精神分裂症患者脑结构异常及透明隔腔发生率明显高于其他精神疾病的患者,且透明隔腔相关CT参数与其他精神疾病患者存在明显差异,这些特征可作为精神分裂症的辅助诊断依据.

Objective To analyze the brain CT results of brain structural abnormalities and cavum septi pellucidi in patients with schizophrenia.Methods 82 patients with schizophrenia admitted to our hospital from April 2020 to May 2023 were selected as study group,and another 82 patients with other mental illnesses admitted to our hospital during the same period were selected as control group.CT examination was performed.The incidences of brain structural abnormalities and cavum septi pellucidi,and the CT parameters of cavum septi pellucidi were compared between groups.Results The incidences of brain structural abnormalities and cavum septi pellucidi in the study group were significantly higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).The volume,length and width of cavum septi pellucidi in the study group were significantly higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusions The incidences of brain structural abnormalities and cavum septi pellucidi in patients with schizophrenia are significantly higher than those in patients with other mental illnesses,and CT parameters related to the cavum septi pellucidi are significantly different from those in patients with other mental illnesses.These characteristics can be used as auxiliary diagnostic basis for schizophrenia.


焦作市第四人民医院放射科,河南焦作 454000焦作市第四人民医院精神科,河南焦作 454000



SchizophreniaBrain CTBrain structural abnormalityCavum septi pellucidi

《临床医学工程》 2024 (9)


