

Development characteristics and temporal-spatial distribution of geological hazards in Liangshan Prefecture


凉山州地处横断山系东北缘、川滇构造带南段,受活动构造、地形地貌、河流切割等作用影响,发育有地质灾害总数4 016处,以中、小型土质滑坡和中、小型沟谷泥石流为主,是四川省地质灾害高风险地区.本文采用资料收集、数理统计、ArcGIS软件分析等方法分析发现,按行政区分析,德昌县是地质灾害发育数量最多的县市,为 387处;宁南县是灾害发育密度最高的县市,为 17.7处/100 km2;按流域分析,安宁河流域的地质灾害数量最多,达 779处;美姑河流域的灾害发育密度最高,达 11.18处/100 km2.以灾害发育密度为指标对不同灾害类型地质灾害的空间分布进行分析,滑坡方面,划分为 4个极高密度区和 15个高密度区,滑坡发育受活动构造、易滑地层(红层、昔格达组等)控制作用影响较大;崩塌方面,划分为2个极高密度区和 5个高密度区,崩塌沿河谷及支沟、活动构造呈带状分布,受水电站库区开发建设、公路建设等工程活动切坡影响较大;泥石流方面,划分为 2个极高密度区和 10个高密度区,泥石流发育受构造断裂、地形地貌和人类工程活动影响较大.研究成果可为凉山州的防灾减灾工作提供数据支撑和科学参考.

Liangshan Prefecture is located in the northeastern margin of the Hengduan Mountain system and in the southern section of the Sichuan-Yunnan tectonic belt.Due to active structure,landforms,river cutting,etc.,there are 4 016 occurrences of geological disasters in Liangshan Prefecture,mainly small and medium-sized soil landslides,and small and medium-sized gully debris flows.Liangshan Prefecture is a high-risk area of geological disaster in Sichuan Province.This paper uses data collection,mathematical statistics,ArcGIS software analysis,and other methods to analyze and find that,according to the analysis of administrative region,Dechang County has the highest number of geological disaster developments,with a total of 387 occurrences.Ningnan County has the highest density of disasters development,with 17.7 sites per 100 km2.According to the analysis of river basins,the number of geological disasters in the Anning River Basin is the largest,reaching 779.The Meigu River Basin has the highest density of hazard development,with 11.18 places per 100 km2.In this paper,the spatial distribution of geological hazards of different disaster types is analyzed with disaster development density as the index.For landslides,4 extremely high-density areas and 15 high-density areas are classified.The development of landslide is mainly controlled by active structures and slippery strata(such as red beds,Xigeda formation,etc.).For collapses,2 extremely high-density areas and 5 high density areas are classified.The collapses are distributed along valleys and tributary channels in a zonal pattern,greatly influenced by slope cutting activities related to hydropower reservoir development and highway construction.For debris flows,2 extremely high-density areas and 10 high-density areas are classified.The development of debris flows is greatly impacted by structural fractures,landforms and human engineering activities.The research results can provide data support and scientific references for disaster prevention and mitigation in Liangshan Prefecture.

徐伟;铁永波;郑玄;殷万清;付小麟;欧文;白永健;Ireneusz Malik;Małgorzata Wistuba

中国地质调查局成都地质调查中心(西南地质科技创新中心),四川 成都 610218||自然资源部地质灾害风险防控工程技术创新中心,四川 成都 611734||自然资源部成都地质灾害野外科学观测研究站,四川 成都 610000中国地质调查局成都地质调查中心(西南地质科技创新中心),四川 成都 610218||自然资源部地质灾害风险防控工程技术创新中心,四川 成都 611734||自然资源部成都地质灾害野外科学观测研究站,四川 成都 610000凉山州地质环境监测站,四川 西昌 615000凉山州地质环境监测站,四川 西昌 615000凉山州地质环境监测站,四川 西昌 615000四川省国土空间生态修复与地质灾害防治研究院,四川 成都 610081中国地质调查局成都地质调查中心(西南地质科技创新中心),四川 成都 610218||自然资源部地质灾害风险防控工程技术创新中心,四川 成都 611734||自然资源部成都地质灾害野外科学观测研究站,四川 成都 610000卡托维兹西里西亚大学地球科学研究所,波兰 卡托维兹 41-200卡托维兹西里西亚大学地球科学研究所,波兰 卡托维兹 41-200


geological disasterdevelopmental characteristicsspatial and temporal distribution law

《沉积与特提斯地质》 2024 (3)



