首页|期刊导航|电子科技学刊|De-biased knowledge distillation framework based on knowledge infusion and label de-biasing techniques

De-biased knowledge distillation framework based on knowledge infusion and label de-biasing techniquesOA

De-biased knowledge distillation framework based on knowledge infusion and label de-biasing techniques

Yan Li;Tai-Kang Tian;Meng-Yu Zhuang;Yu-Ting Sun

School of Economics and Management,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu,611731,ChinaSchool of Economics and Management,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication,Beijing,100876,ChinaSchool of Economics and Management,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication,Beijing,100876,ChinaSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,The University of Queensland,Brisbane,4072,Australia

De-biasingDeep learningKnowledge distillationModel compression

De-biasingDeep learningKnowledge distillationModel compression

《电子科技学刊》 2024 (3)


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.62172056Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST under Grant No.2022QNRC001.

