Genetic Diversity Analysis of Cucurbita moschata Germplasm Resources in Gansu Province
Using 36 pumpkin germplasm resources as materials,this paper conducted a genetic diversity analysis of 34 agronomic traits by diversity analysis,principal component analysis,comprehensive evaluation and cluster analysis,aiming to provide a theoretical basis for the creation of pumpkin germplasm resources and the improvement of pumpkin cultivars.The results showed that the diversity index of 19 quality traits ranged from 0.591 to 1.960,and the diversity index of 15 quantitative traits ranged from 1.541 to 2.201.The variation coefficient ranged from 15.6%to 57.7%.There were significant or highly significant correlations among 40%of the traits.Five principal components with eigenvalues above 1.00 were chosen for evaluation,and the cumulative contribution rate was 78.644%.The comprehensive scores of the 36 germplasms ranged from 0.56 to 3.39,and the top 3 germplasm resources were N01,N10 and N14.These 36 pumpkin germplasm resources were classified into five clusters,and phenotypic differences were obvious among the groups.
酒泉市农业科学研究院,甘肃 酒泉 735000酒泉市农业科学研究院,甘肃 酒泉 735000酒泉市农业科学研究院,甘肃 酒泉 735000甘肃省农业科学院,甘肃 兰州 730000
PumpkinGermplasm resourcesAgronomic traitGenetic diversity analysisPrincipal component analysisCluster analysis
《江西农业学报》 2024 (9)