Habitat suitability analysis of Asian badgers(Meles leucurus)in the west-ern Liaoning Province based on MaxEnt model
为掌握亚洲狗獾(Meles leucurus)生境利用及适宜生境分布格局,本研究利用2018年和2022年辽西地区的132个亚洲狗獾有效分布点,基于MaxEnt模型进行研究.结果表明:(1)地形、气候、植被和水源是影响辽西地区亚洲狗獾分布的主要环境因素.(2)辽西地区亚洲狗獾在海拔1 150m、坡度40°、归一化植被指数85%、最热月最高温24.5 ℃、气温年较差39 ℃、距河流距离100 m左右的生境出现概率最高.(3)潜在适宜生境面积约12 051.13 km2,占研究区总面积的41.63%.高适宜生境分布较为集中,主要分布在研究区西南部的凌源、建昌、绥中和中部的喀左、朝阳等地区;低适宜生境分布较为分散,在整个研究区均有分布;中适宜生境则环绕高适宜生境,成为高、低适宜生境间的过渡区.本研究明确了辽西地区亚洲狗獾适宜生境的分布格局和限制其分布的主导环境因子,这将有助于研究亚洲狗獾在辽西地区的生态适应性,为该地区亚洲狗獾的保护和管理提供更精细的生境分布规律参考资料.
In order to assess the habitat use and suitable habitat distribution pattern of Asian badgers(Meles leucurus)in western Liaoning,132 effective distribution points of this species obtained between 2018 and 2022 were used to generate the MaxEnt model.The results showed that topography,climate,vegetation,and water sources were the main environ-mental factors affecting the distribution of badger in western Liaoning,while human disturbance factors had little im-pact.The occurrence probability of badger in western Liaoning was the highest in the habitat with an altitude of 1 150 m,a slope of 40°,a NDVI of 85%,a maximum temperature(Bio5)of 24.5 ℃ in the hottest month,a temperature annual range(Bio7)of 39 ℃,and a distance of about 100 m from the river.The potential suitable habitat area for Asian badgers in western Liaoning is about 12 051.13 km2,accounting for 41.63%of the total study area.The distribution of highly suitable habitats was relatively concentrated,mainly in Lingyuan,Jianchang,and Suizhong in the southwest of the study area,and Kazuo and Chaoyang in the central part of the study area.The distribution of low suitability areas is scat-tered across all counties and cities in the study area,and the middle suitability area surrounds the high suitability area to form a transition area connecting the low suitability area.This study revealed the distribution pattern of suitable habitats and the dominant environmental factors limiting the distribution of badgers in western Liaoning,which will help clarify the ecological adaptability of badgers in different regions and provide more refined habitat distribution references for the management of Asian badgers in western Liaoning.
辽宁大学生命科学院,沈阳 110036辽宁大学生命科学院,沈阳 110036辽宁大学生命科学院,沈阳 110036辽宁大学生命科学院,沈阳 110036辽宁大学生命科学院,沈阳 110036
Asian badgers(Meles leucurus)MaxEntHabitat suitabilityWestern Liaoning Province
《兽类学报》 2024 (5)