New Digital Infrastructure,Modern Industrial System Construction and Common Prosperity
This paper uses the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2012 to 2022 to empirically test the effect of new digi-tal infrastructure on common prosperity and the mediating effect of the construction of modern industrial system.The research findings are shown as below:The new digital infrastructure can positively promote the development of common prosperity,and the conclusion still holds after a series of robustness test and endogeneity treatments.New digital infrastructure can indirectly promote common prosperity by promoting the construction of modern industrial system.The impact of new digital infrastructure on common prosperity is stronger in eastern regions and regions with a high degree of informatization.Further tests show that the impact of new digital infrastructure on common prosperity has a single threshold effect based on the level of new digital infrastructure,that is,with the continuous improvement of new digital infrastructure level,the impact of new digital infrastructure on common prosperity shows a marginal increasing nonlinear characteristic.
延安大学 马克思主义学院,陕西 延安 716000广东省委党校 经济学教研部,广州 510050
new digital infrastructureconstruction of modern industrial systemcommon prosperitymediation effect model
《统计与决策》 2024 (18)