A Novel Pilot Protection for AC Line of Wind Power Transmitted Through DC System Based on Mode Power Difference
The fault characteristics of AC transmission lines are significantly influenced by the access of wind farms and DC systems,rendering traditional relay protection principles inap-plicable.In this paper,we propose a new principle of pilot pro-tection for wind power transmission line based on difference of mode power.Firstly,on the basis of the single unit model,the short-circuit current expression of the doubly-fed wind farm is derived considering the interaction between the various devices of the wind farm.The establishment of a mode power calcula-tion model for the back side system feeding to the transmission line is complemented by incorporating DC system network to-pology.The protective criterion associated with the mode dif-ference and model difference is constructed by utilizing the characteristics of the fault network topology change outside the zone,aiming to identify fault sections.Finally,the proposed method is validated through experimental results conducted on the RT-LAB platform.
国网山西省电力公司经济技术研究院,山西省太原市 030024华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院,北京市昌平区 102206国网山西省电力公司经济技术研究院,山西省太原市 030024国网山西省电力公司经济技术研究院,山西省太原市 030024华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院,北京市昌平区 102206
wind power DC transmission systemdouble-fed wind farmpilot protectionmode component
《现代电力》 2024 (5)
国网山西省电力公司科技项目:新能源集中外送区域电网故障保护与控制技术研究(52053320000C). Science and Technology Project of Shanxi Electrical Power Company:Research on fault protection and control technology of regional power grid for centralized transmission of new energy(52053320000C).