

Effect of muscle energy technique on dynamic postural control and lumbar neuromuscular function in patients with non-specific low back pain:a randomized controlled trial


目的 探讨肌肉能量技术(MET)对非特异性腰痛患者动态姿势控制能力以及腰部神经肌肉功能的影响. 方法 2022年3月至6月,于山东体育学院招募非特异性腰痛在校大学生30例,随机分为对照组(n=15)和干预组(n=15).对照组进行健康宣教,干预组采用MET进行干预,共4周.干预前后,采用疼痛视觉模拟量表(VAS)、腰部功能障碍指数(ODI)、Y平衡测试和躯干屈曲-放松测试评定腰部神经肌肉功能的变化. 结果 干预后,两组VAS评分(|t|>2.449,P<0.05)均下降,干预组VAS评分显著小于对照组(t=-5.068,P<0.001);干预组ODI评分下降(t=4.785,P<0.001),干预组ODI评分明显小于对照组(t=-2.895,P=0.007);干预组Y平衡测试成绩明显提高(t=-3.662,P=0.003);干预组多裂肌屈曲放松比增加(t=-2.460,P=0.029). 结论 MET能有效改善非特异腰痛患者的疼痛、腰部功能障碍、动态姿势控制和腰部多裂肌屈曲功能.

Objective To explore the effect of muscle energy technique(MET)on dynamic posture control and lumbar neuromuscu-lar function in patients with non-specific low back pain. Methods From March to June,2022,30 college students with non-specific low back pain from Shandong Sport Universi-ty were randomly divided into control group(n=15)and intervention group(n=15).The control group received health education,and the intervention group received MET,for four weeks.They were assessed with Visual Ana-logue Scale(VAS)of pain,Oswestry Disability Index(ODI),Y-balance test and trunk flexion-relaxation test be-fore and after intervention. Results VAS scores decreased in both groups after intervention(|t|>2.449,P<0.05),and it was less in the intervention group than in the control group(t=-5.068,P<0.001);while ODI score decreased in the intervention group(t=4.785,P<0.001),and it was less in the intervention group than in the control group(t=-2.895,P=0.007);the performance of Y-balance test increased(t=-3.662,P=0.003)in the intervention group,as well as flexion-re-laxation ratio of multifidus(t=-2.460,P=0.029). Conclusion MET is effective on alleviating pain and lumbar dysfunction,improving dynamic posture control and en-hancing the function of the multifidus during flexion in patients with non-specific low back pain.


山东体育学院运动与健康学院,山东济南市 250102山东体育学院运动与健康学院,山东济南市 250102山东体育学院运动与健康学院,山东济南市 250102山东体育学院运动与健康学院,山东济南市 250102山东体育学院运动与健康学院,山东济南市 250102山东体育学院运动与健康学院,山东济南市 250102山东体育学院运动与健康学院,山东济南市 250102



non-specific low back painmuscle energy techniquedynamic posture controlflexion-relaxation phenomenonrandomized controlled trial

《中国康复理论与实践》 2024 (9)


山东省社会科学规划研究项目(No.20CTYJ17) Shandong Social Science Research Plan(No.20CTYJ17)

