The Difference of Structure of Scalp Microbiome and the Effect of Intervention Between Women with and without Alopecia Accompanied With Excessive Oil Secretion
Objective To explore the differences in scalp microbiome structure between women with and without alopecia accompanied with excessive oil secretion and to observe the changes in this structure following the intervention of probiotics preparation.Methods A total of 56 women aged 20-35 recruited between June 20th 2022 and July 20th 2022 were enrolled and divided into two groups based on inclusion criteria:the healthy group(n=24)and the alopecia accompanied with excessive oil secretion group(n=32).High-throughput sequencing technology targeting the bacterial 16sRNA sequence V3-V4 region and the fungal ITS sequence was employed.This approach was used to analyze the differences in scalp microbiome characteristics between the two groups and to evaluate the effects of the probiotics intervention.Additionally,hair loss count and scalp lipid changes were assessed,followed by statistical analysis.Results Compared with healthy women,those with alopecia accompanied with excessive oil secretion exhibited a significantly higher abundance of bacterial microbiome(P<0.05),with notable differences in the microbiome structure and the relative abundance of various bacteria such as Cutibacterium(P<0.05).However,there were no significant differences in the abundance and structure of the fungal microbiome between the two groups.Post intervention with the probiotics,significant improvements were observed in hair loss and scalp lipid conditions among women with alopecia accompanied with excessive oil secretion(P<0.05).Conclusion There are marked differences in the scalp microbiome structure between women with and without alopecia accompanied with excessive oil secretion.Probiotics appears to moderate the characteristics of scalp microbiome.This research provides evidence supporting the prevention and treatment of alopecia accompanied with excessive oil secretion from a microbiome perspective.
复旦大学附属华山医院皮肤科,上海市皮肤病研究所 上海 200040复旦大学附属华山医院皮肤科,上海市皮肤病研究所 上海 200040上海市静安区中心医院皮肤科 上海 200040复旦大学附属华山医院皮肤科,上海市皮肤病研究所 上海 200040浙江中医药大学 浙江 杭州 310053杭州钛美生物科技有限公司 浙江 杭州 310009复旦大学附属华山医院皮肤科,上海市皮肤病研究所 上海 200040
alopeciaprobioticsmicrobiome characteristicsscalp
《中国美容医学》 2024 (10)