Comprehensive evaluation of acid tolerance rice and screening of acid-tolerant germplasm in rice
[目的]探究水稻耐酸特性,建立耐酸水稻品种综合评价筛选体系.[方法]设置盆栽试验,对 96 个水稻品种进行对照处理与酸处理,在苗期测定株高、总根长、地上部鲜重、根系鲜重、总鲜重、地上部干重、根系干重、根冠比、根系总表面积和总根体积 10 项性状指标,然后利用相关性分析、隶属函数分析、描述性分析、主成分分析、聚类分析和逐步回归分析等统计方法进行综合评估,建立水稻耐酸评价模型,筛选耐酸水稻品种,并在田间酸性土壤条件下进行验证.[结果]在酸处理下不同水稻品种的株高、总根长和地上部鲜重等性状指标均显著低于对照处理,且各项指标的变异系数范围为 22%~66%;通过主成分分析将 10 个单项指标转换成 3 个相互独立的综合指标,综合指标代表了原始指标 88.8%的信息量.随后,将不同水稻品种的耐酸性综合评价值(D值)进行聚类分析,把 96 个水稻品种划分为极耐酸型、耐酸型、中间型和敏感型 4 个类群.利用不同品种水稻的D值构建了最优回归方程,并建立了耐酸水稻品种筛选体系.此外,在田间酸性土壤条件下,耐酸水稻品种的株高、结实率及千粒重均显著高于酸敏感品种,耐酸水稻品种的平均产量是酸敏感水稻品种的3.5倍.[结论]水稻总鲜重、总根长、总根体积、株高和根系干重可作为筛选耐酸水稻品种的指标.
[Objectives]The comprehensive evaluation and screening system of acid-tolerant rice was established to explore the acid resistance characteristics of rice.[Methods]96 rice varieties were treated with acid and control treatments in a pot experiment.Ten traits including plant height,total root length,aboveground fresh weight,root fresh weight,total fresh weight,aboveground dry weight,root dry weight,root shoot ratio,total root surface area and total root volume were measured at seedling stage.Then,correlation analysis,membership function analysis,descriptive analysis,principal component analysis,cluster analysis and stepwise regression analysis were used to comprehensively evaluate the acid tolerance of rice.The acid tolerance evaluation model of rice was established,and the acid-tolerant rice varieties were screened and verified under acidic soil conditions in the field.[Results]The plant height,total root length and aboveground fresh weight of different rice varieties under acid treatment were significantly lower than those of the control treatment,and the coefficient of variation of each index ranged from 22%to 66%.Through principal component analysis,10 single indicators were converted into 3 independent comprehensive indicators,which represent 88.8%of the original information.Subsequently,the comprehensive evaluation value(D value)of acid tolerance of different rice varieties was clustered,and 96 rice varieties were divided into four groups,which were extremely acid-resistant type,acid-resistant type,intermediate type and sensitive type.The optimal regression equation was constructed by using the D value of different varieties of rice,and the screening system of acid-tolerant rice varieties was established.In addition,the plant height,grain-setting rate and 1000-grain weight of acid-tolerant rice varieties were significantly higher than those of acid-sensitive rice varieties under acidic soil conditions in the field.The average yield of acid-tolerant rice varieties was 3.5 times of acid-sensitive rice varieties.[Conclusions]Rice total fresh weight,total root length,total root volume,plant height and root dry weight can be used as indicators to screen out acid-tolerant rice varieties.
福建农林大学资源与环境学院,福建福州 350002福建农林大学资源与环境学院,福建福州 350002福建农林大学资源与环境学院,福建福州 350002植物水分利用与营养调控研究中心/福建农林大学菌草与生态学院,福建福州 350002福建省农业科学院资源环境与土壤肥料研究所,福建福州 350013植物水分利用与营养调控研究中心/福建农林大学菌草与生态学院,福建福州 350002植物水分利用与营养调控研究中心/福建农林大学菌草与生态学院,福建福州 350002
riceseedling stageacid treatmentcomprehensive evaluation
《植物营养与肥料学报》 2024 (9)