Study on Exhaust Humidity of the Air-Cooled Double Reheating of Coal-Fired Power Plant
二次再热技术是一种可以提高燃煤发电机组效率的有效手段,而1 000 MW级二次再热空冷机组由于受末级排汽湿度低等因素限制,目前尚无应用业绩.本文通过对比一次再热与二次再热空冷机组的做功热力过程线,分析了二次再热空冷机组排汽湿度影响因素及其变化特点,对二次再热空冷机组的技术风险及应对措施进行了分析,提出1 000 MW超超临界二次再热空冷机组蒸汽初参数.
Double reheat technology is recognized as an effective method to improve the efficiency of coal power units.For the limitation of the low humidity of the final stage exhaust steam of double reheat air-cooled unit,there is no application records of are-cooled double-reheat.In this paper,the exhaust humidity influencing factors and changing characteristics in air-cooled double reheat units are analyzed,and the technical risks and countermeasures of air-cooled double reheat units are discussed,and feasible initial parameters of live steam for 1 000 MW ultra supercritical double reheat air-cooled units are presented as well.
中国电力工程工程顾问集团华北电力设计院有限公司,北京 100120中国电力工程工程顾问集团华北电力设计院有限公司,北京 100120中国电力工程工程顾问集团华北电力设计院有限公司,北京 100120
double reheatlexhaust humidityheat balance
《电力勘测设计》 2024 (9)