Study of Coronary Artery Imaging Quality in Different Heart Rate Segments Using Wide-detector CT
目的:研究不同心率段冠状动脉CT成像(CCTA)的成像质量及其可行性,为临床无需心率控制CCTA检查提供参考.方法:随机选取213例临床疑似冠心病患者,不使用药物控制心率,依据心率分为三组(A组:40~65次/min,B组:66~89次/min,C组:90~117次/min).采用256排宽体探测器CT扫描,使用冠状动脉追踪冻结(SSF)技术进行图像重建.根据美国心脏协会(AHA)冠状动脉15段分段法,对图像质量进行主观评价与客观评价.结果:各组冠状动脉可诊断性差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),第9段、第13段和第14段血管不同心率冠状动脉图像质量主观评分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),A组图像质量优秀率最高,B组次之,C组最低.各组间辐射剂量差异有统计学意义(P<0.0 5).结论:宽体探测器C T在无需心率控制药物的条件下,对于不同心率范围(40~117次/min)的CCTA检查具有可行性.但随着心率的升高,部分细小血管图像质量下降.未来研究可进一步优化扫描参数与图像处理技术,以进一步提高图像质量.
Objective:To study the imaging quality and feasibility of coronary artery CT imaging in different heart rate segments,and to provide reference for clinical CCTA without heart rate control.Methods:213 patients with suspected coronary heart disease were randomly selected and divided into three groups according to their heart rate(group A:40-65 bpm,group B:66-89 bpm,and group C:90-117 bpm).A 256-row wide-body detector CT was performed,and the image was reconstructed using coronary artery snapshot freeze technique(SSF).The image quality was evaluated subjectively and objectively according to the 15-segment Coronary artery segmentation method of the American Heart Association.Results:There was no statistical difference in the diagnosability of coronary arteries among all groups(P>0.05),and there were statistical differences in the subjective scores of coronary artery image quality at different heart rates of vessels in segments 9,13 and 14(P<0.05).The excellent rate of image quality in group A was the highest,followed by group B and group C.There was statistical difference in radiation dose among all groups(P<0.05).Conclusion:Wide-body detector CT is feasible for CCTA in different heart rate ranges(40-117 bpm)without the need for heart rate control drugs.However,with the increase of heart rate,the image quality of some small blood vessels decreased.Future research can further optimize scanning parameters and image processing techniques to further improve image quality.
天津医科大学医学影像学院,天津 300203||山东医学高等专科学校医学影像系,山东济南 250002泰达国际心血管病医院放射科,天津 300457天津医科大学医学影像学院,天津 300203
computed tomographycoronary computed tomography angiography(CCTA)radiation doseimage quality
《影像科学与光化学》 2024 (5)