

Influence of Farmers'Digital Literacy on Production Factor Allocation


农户优化生产要素配置是推动乡村转型的重要途径.本文基于 2020 年中国乡村振兴综合调查(CRRS)数据,利用似不相关方法和多变量概率单位模型分析数字素养对农户生产要素配置行为的影响及机制.基准回归结果显示,数字素养推动农户进行生产要素配置,经过稳健性检验后结论仍成立.机制分析结果表明,数字素养通过降低农户生产要素交易成本,进而推动农户进行生产要素配置行为.异质性分析结果表明,数字素养对无抚养负担家庭和抚幼型家庭离农型生产要素配置有影响,对养老型和抚幼养老型家庭生产要素配置行为无影响.数字素养推动小农户进行离农型生产要素配置,推动规模农户进行经营型生产要素配置.数字素养推动粮食主产区农户进行经营型生产要素配置,推动非粮食主产区农户进行离农型生产要素配置.产出绩效分析结果表明,数字素养通过影响农户家庭生产要素配置行为提高规模户单位产出,并提高规模户农业收入和总收入,提高无抚养负担农户和抚幼型农户非农就业收入和总收入.

As one of the core subjects of digital rural construction,farmers are key actors in promoting rural transformation,and their digital literacy theoretically becomes an important factor affecting the process of market-oriented reform of rural production factors.Therefore,studying the impact of farmers'digital literacy on production factor allocation(PFA)is of great theoretical significance for deepening the market-oriented reform of rural factors,promoting digital rural construction,and transforming agricultural development modes. This paper,based on the China Rural Revitalization Survey(CRRS)data,utilizes seemingly unrelated regressions and multivariate Probit models to analyze the impact of farmers'digital literacy on PFA and its mechanisms.The benchmark regression results show that farmers'digital literacy facilitates PFA,and this conclusion still holds after robustness tests.Mechanism analysis indicates that this facilitating effect is achieved by reducing the transaction costs associated with production factors.Heterogeneity analysis shows that digital literacy can affect off-farm PFA in families without support burdens and young child-rearing families,while it does not significantly affect PFA in families providing elderly care or caring for both elderly and young children.Digital literacy encourages small farmers and farmers in non-major grain-producing areas to engage in off-farm PFA and large-scale farmers and farmers in major grain-producing areas to engage in operational PFA.Output performance analysis indicates that digital literacy can improve the per-unit output of large-scale farmers and increase their agricultural income and total income,as well as the off-farm employment income and total income of families without support burdens and young child-rearing families. The marginal contributions are as follows.First,this paper analyzes the factors influencing farmers'participation in the marketization of the three major rural factors from the perspective of joint factor allocation,making the estimation results more in line with the actual situation of farmers.Second,it analyzes the impact of farmers'digital literacy on PFA,supplementing the existing evidence of the impact of farmers'digital literacy on production and operation.Third,starting from the family life cycle theory,it comprehensively and systematically analyzes the differences in the impact paths of digital literacy on the PFA in different types of families,which helps to formulate targeted measures to promote farmers'participation in the market-oriented reform of production factors. Based on empirical research,this paper proposes suggestions for improving farmers'digital literacy through multiple channels,clarifying the PFA preferences of farmers with different agricultural production scales,and formulating different incentives for participation in the market-oriented reform of rural factors for different types of farmers.





digital literacyproduction factor allocationfamily life cycleincrease in household incomeoff-farm production factor allocationbusiness production factor allocation

《经济与管理研究》 2024 (10)



