Influencing factors of malnutrition in patients with colorectal cancer and value of Nomogram prediction model
目的 分析结直肠癌(CRC)患者营养不良发生的危险因素并构建列线图预测模型.方法 选择2021年7月-2023年12月在昆明理工大学附属安宁市第一人民医院住院的402例CRC患者为研究对象,采用全球营养不良领导倡议标准(GLIM)作为营养不良诊断标准,将患者分成营养不良组和营养良好组.采用多因素Logistic回归模型分析CRC住院患者营养不良发生的影响因素.基于预测因素构建列线图预测模型,采用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线和Hosmer-Lemeshow拟合优度检验对模型的区分度和精准度进行验证,最终采用校准曲线及临床决策曲线验证模型的临床应用价值.结果 402例CRC患者中,111例发生营养不良,营养不良发生率为27.61%.营养不良组与营养良好组年龄、肿瘤分期、长期卧床情况、卡氏功能状态评分法(KPS)评分、体质量指数(BMI)、营养风险筛查2002(NRS-2002)、红细胞(RBC)、白细胞(WBC)、血红蛋白(HGB)、白蛋白(ALB)、前白蛋白(PAB)、谷丙转氨酶(ALT)及尿素(Urea)水平比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).多因素Logistic回归分析显示,年龄、肿瘤分期、长期卧床情况、HGB、KPS评分和PAB是影响CRC患者营养不良发生的独立危险因素,据此构建的列线图预测模型的灵敏度为57.4%,特异度为88.0%,曲线下面积(AUC)为0.821(95%CI:0.773~0.870,P<0.001).采用内部验证法通过Bootstrap自助法进行抽样1 000次,一致性指数为0.821.校准曲线及临床决策曲线显示,列线图预测模型具有较好的临床应用价值.结论 基于高龄、TNM分期Ⅳ期、较差的KPS评分、长期卧床、HGB降低、PAB降低6个因素构建的列线图预测模型对CRC患者营养不良发生风险具有较高的预测价值.
Objective To analyze the risk factors of malnutrition in patients with colorectal cancer(CRC)and construct a Nomogram prediction model.Methods A total of 402 hospitalized CRC patients in the Anning First People's Hospital Affiliated to Kunming University of Science and Technology from July 2021 to December 2023 were selected as research objects.The Global Leader-ship Initiative on Malnutrition(GLIM)criteria was used as the diagnostic criteria for malnutrition,and patients were divided into malnutrition group and well-nourished group.A multivariate Logistic regression model was used to analyze the influencing factors of malnutrition in CRC inpatients.A No-mogram prediction model was constructed based on predictive factors,and the discrimination and accuracy of the model were validated by the receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve and Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test.Finally,the clinical application value of the model was verified by calibration curves and clinical decision curves.Results Among the 402 CRC patients,111 cases had malnu-trition,with a malnutrition rate of 27.61%.There were significant differences in age,tumor stage,long-term bedridden status,the Karnofsky Performance Scale(KPS)score,body mass index(BMI),the Nutritional Risk Screening 2002(NRS-2002),red blood cell(RBC),white blood cell(WBC),hemoglobin(HGB),albumin(ALB),prealbumin(PAB),alanine aminotransferase(ALT),and urea levels between the malnutrition and well-nourished groups(P<0.05).Multivari-ate Logistic regression analysis showed that age,tumor stage,long-term bedridden status,HGB,KPS score,and PAB were independent risk factors for malnutrition in CRC patients,and the sensi-tivity,specificity and area under the curve(AUC)of the Nomogram prediction model constructed based on these factors were 57.4%,88.0%and 0.821(95%CI,0.773 to 0.870,P<0.001)re-spectively.Based on internal validation,1 000 samples were drawn by the Bootstrap self-sampling method,with a consistency index of 0.821.The calibration curve and clinical decision curve indica-ted that the Nomogram prediction model had good clinical application value.Conclusion The No-mogram prediction model constructed on 6 factors such as advanced age,TNM classification of stageⅣ,poor KPS score,long-term bedridden status,decreased HGB and decreased PAB has a high predictive value for the risk of malnutrition in CRC patients.
colorectal cancerrisk factorsmalnutritionNomogram prediction modellong-term bedridden statusprealbumin
《实用临床医药杂志》 2024 (017)
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