

Geomorphology and Quaternary Activity Images of Jiuzhou-Zetun Sub Segment in Youjiang Fault Zone



In order to explore the Quaternary activity characteristics of the Jiuzhou-Zetun sub segment in the northern branch of the western Baise section of the Youjiang fault zone,this paper first studied tectonic geomorphology of the Leli River and Chengbi River in the upper reaches of the Youjiang River.Firstly,remote sensing geological interpretation was carried out on the two rivers,and the response relationship between river geomorphology and fault activity was used to obtain the possible location of the fault.Geological and geomorphological surveys were conducted to verify the locations where fault zone activity may occur.The Quaternary activity images of the fault zone of the sub segment were sketched out.Finally,the maturity of the Quaternary activity of the fault zone was discussed.The results of remote sensing geological interpretation and field investigation show that the Quaternary activity images of the fault zone of the Jiuzhou-Zetun sub segment are similar to the images of the R shear fault in the development stage in tectonic physics experiments,and their maturity is low.This may be one of the reasons why there is still a lack of records about high magnitude earthquakes above 5.0 in this fault zone of the sub segment.


广西壮族自治区地震局,南宁 530022||广西壮族自治区震灾风险防治中心,南宁 530022广西壮族自治区自然资源调查监测院,南宁 530201广西壮族自治区自然资源调查监测院,南宁 530201广西壮族自治区地震局,南宁 530022||广西壮族自治区震灾风险防治中心,南宁 530022地震动力学国家重点实验室,北京 100029||中国地震局地质研究所,北京 100029



Youjiang River fault zoneTectonic geomorphologyStrike-slip faultRiedel shearQuaternaryFault maturityOblique photogrammetry

《华南地震》 2024 (3)



