Destination choices for rural migrants in the context of new urbanization
Rural migrants represent a critical impetus for social and economic advancement,significantly influencing urban competitiveness and development,as well as the realization of new urbanization initiatives.Drawing on data from the China Migration Dynamics Survey in 2017,this study employs a conditional logit model to elucidate the impact mechanisms on the destination choices of rural migrants of city characteristics and individual heterogeneity.(1)Economic income,developmental opportunities,public services,and geographic proximity are the pivotal determinants in the destination choice of rural migrants.(2)Variations in human capital significantly influence the migrants'preferences regarding the administrative hierarchy of cities.Specifically,rural migrants with lower educational attainment are more inclined to migrate to cities with a lower administrative status,whereas the administrative hierarchy exerts no notable influence on the destination choices of highly educated migrants.(3)Environmental amenities play a non-negligible role in shaping the destination preferences of rural migrants.Air pollution deters the destination choice of rural migrants,while a highquality green environment exerts a significantly adverse effect on less educated migrants and older,more educated rural migrants.(4)The distinct levels of human capital,life cycle stages,and mobility characteristics among rural migrants further modulate their choices,such as the administrative hierarchy and environmental amenities of destination.This research enhance the understanding of the dynamics underpinning rural migrants'destination choices and offer valuable insights for the informed direction of rural migrant inflows and the formulation of targeted population policies.
首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,北京 100048
rural migrantsdestination choiceurbanization
《首都师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (005)
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