

Research on China's methane emission reduction path based on SPAMC-Methane model


作为影响仅次于二氧化碳的短寿命温室气体,甲烷减排逐步从科学共识上升为政策共识,成为全球气候谈判焦点议题和国际合作的重点领域.文中比较分析了全球及我国甲烷排放趋势、特征及已有减排行动,并在"中国应对气候变化战略规划评估模型"的基础上自主构建了甲烷排放预测模块(SPAMC-Methane),并设置了基准情景、能源转型情景、甲烷低排放情景共三类情景,分析了到 2060 年的中国甲烷排放趋势、减排潜力和路径.结果表明,此前相关研究对我国甲烷排放达峰时间预测偏早,峰值预测相对偏低.基于最新可得的数据,在能源转型情景下,甲烷排放预计2032年达峰,峰值约为7580万t;在甲烷低排放情景下,通过有效行动力度提升,甲烷排放有望在2025年前达峰,峰值约为7060万t,到2035年和2060年中国甲烷排放较峰值分别减少约12.3%和53.7%,与基准情景相比,能源转型和技术强化减排措施贡献分别约为62.9%和37.1%,从减排领域看,煤炭开采、固体废物处理部门减排合计贡献约77%.

As the second largest greenhouse gas after CO2 and the most important short-lived greenhouse gas,methane emission reduction has gradually become a consensus from scientific cognition to action,becoming the focus of global climate negotiations and the key area of international climate cooperation.In order to support China's methane emission reduction work,firstly,the global and China's methane emission trends,characteristics and existing emission reduction actions were compared and analyzed.Then,a methane model(SPAMC-Methane)on the basis of Strategy and Planning Assessment Model for Climate Change in China was established to analyze the methane emission trend,reduction potential and path of China from 2022 to 2060 under the baseline scenario,energy transformation scenario and methane low-emission scenario,with 2022 as the benchmark.The results show that the methane emission is expected to peak in 2032 at 75.80 Mt under the energy transformation scenario,and before 2025 at 70.60 Mt under the methane low-emission scenario.Under the methane low-emission scenario,the methane emission will decrease by 12.3%in 2035 and 53.7%in 2060 from the peak level.Compared with the baseline scenario,the emission reduction contribution of the energy transition and technology enhancement in 2060 are about 62.9%and 37.1%,respectively under the methane low-emission scenario,and about 77%of the emission reduction will come from the coal mining and solid waste treatment sectors.


国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心,北京 100035国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心,北京 100035||清华大学现代管理研究中心,北京 100084


MethaneEmission characteristicsCarbon neutralizationEnergy transformationLow-emissionEmission reduction path

《气候变化研究进展》 2024 (5)



