

Run-test and simulation research of a beam-down concentrating solar power plant


光热发电中的二次反射塔式技术具有高聚光比、低泵耗和安装维护要求低等优点,依托玉门鑫能第一电力有限公司 50 MW二次反射塔式电站建立了定日镜场、二次反射模、吸热器、熔盐储罐和发电循环等关键部件模型,并完成了模型验证.运行测试结果表明:当直射辐射为 739.70 W/m2 时,熔盐出口温度可以在 559℃下维持 50 min;12:00定日镜场的余弦效率、阴影与遮挡效率、二次反射阴影效率和大气透射率分别为0.856 8、0.999 7、0.994 1、0.974 6,二次反射镜照度和吸热器照度分别为 11.3 kW/m2 和 400.5 kW/m2,同时电站在50 MW的额定发电功率下维持 16 h.该研究内容对二次反射塔式电站运行和理论研究具有一定参考意义.

The beam-down concentrating solar power plant has the advantages of high concentrating ratio,low installation and maintenance requirements,and low pump consumption.Relying on the 50 MW beam-down tower concentrating solar power station in Yumen Xinneng First Power Co.,Ltd.,the mathematical models of the heliostat field,hyperboloid mirror,receiver,molten salt tank,and power generation cycle are established and verified.The run-test results reveal that,the maximum outlet temperature of the molten salt can be maintained at 559℃for 50 minutes at an average direct normal irradiation of 739.70 W/m2.The cosine efficiency,shading and blocking efficiency,shading efficiency of the hyperboloid mirror,and attenuation efficiency of the heliostat field at 12:00 are 0.856 8,0.999 7,0.994 1,and 0.974 6,respectively.The average hyperboloid mirror flux density and receiver flux density are 11.3 kW/m2 and 400.5 kW/m2,respectively.Meanwhile,the power station is maintained for 16 h at the rated generation power of 50 MW.The research has certain reference significance for the operation of a beam-down concentrating solar power plant.


鑫晨光热(上海)新能源有限公司,上海 201114上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,上海 200240上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,上海 200240


concentrating solar powerbeam-down power stationheliostat field efficiencyfluxpower generation

《热力发电》 2024 (10)


国家重点研发计划"政府间国际科技创新合作"重点专项项目(2022YFE0196500)上海市2023年度"科技创新行动计划"科技支撑碳达峰碳中和专项项目(23DZ1201000)中国电力工程顾问集团有限公司 2023 年度第二批重大科技专项项目(DG3-A03-2023)国家重点研发计划"可再生能源技术"重点专项项目(2023YFB4204301,2023YFB4204303) National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFE0196500)Shanghai 2023"Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan"Science and Technology Support Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Special Project(23DZ1201000)Key Scientific and Technological Projects of China Power Engineering Consulting Group in 2023(DG3-A03-2023)National Key Research and Development Program of China(2023YFB4204301,2023YFB4204303)

