

Analysis and Evaluation of the Grow Traits of Pinus sibirica from Different Provenances


以6个俄罗斯种源和1个蒙古国种源的西伯利亚红松为研究对象,比较分析了引种20 a后的西伯利亚红松与当地大海林种源红松的生长差异.于2022年对林地内各种源树种的存活株数和生长指标进行调查,对各生长指标进行方差分析,并估算其遗传力,同时将生长性状与各种源地的地理气候因子进行相关性分析,利用聚类分析法和模糊数学隶属函数法对不同种源西伯利亚红松的生长情况进行综合评价.结果表明,引种20 a后,不同种源西伯利亚红松保存率相差较大,树高、胸径和平均冠幅性状在各种源间差异极显著,变异率均在20%以上,具有较高的遗传力.红松生长状况优于西伯利亚红松,生长量较高的西伯利亚红松种源为乌兰乌德和托木斯克种源.根据生长性状与气候因子相关性表明,不同种源西伯利亚红松的生长特征与原产地气候因子之间的关系为连续的冷-暖地理变异.影响不同种源西伯利亚红松树高生长的主要地理因子为经度,主要气候因子为1月份均温;影响胸径和冠幅生长的主要因子为7月份均温;影响各生长性状的主要限制因子为年均降水量.经模糊数学隶属函数法综合排名和生长指标聚类分析,乌兰乌德种源和托木斯克种源的西伯利亚红松生长较快且造林保存率高,其中,乌兰乌德种源的西伯利亚红松平均隶属函数值最高为1.65,其次是托木斯克种源为1.62.引种栽植20 a后,不同种源西伯利亚红松的生长特征具有差异,其中乌兰乌德种源和托木斯克种源的西伯利亚红松在帽儿山地区具有较好的适应性,是引种的优先种源.

In this study,Pinus sibirica trees from 6 Russian provenances and one Mongolian provenance were taken as the research objects,which had been introduced to the Maoershan Experimental Forest Farm of Northeast Forestry University for 20 years.Local Pinus koraiensis,was used as the control.Growth differences of the trees from different provenances were compared and analyzed.The surviving trees and growth indexes of different provenances in the stands were investigated in 2022,and the ANOVA of each growth index was analyzed and it's heritability was estimated.Meawhile,the correlationships between the growth traits and geoclimatic factors of various provenance sites were analyzed,and the growth of P.sibir-ica of different provenances was comprehensively evaluated by using cluster analysis and fuzzy mathemati-cal affiliation function method.The results showed that after 20 years of introduction,the preservation rate of P.sibirica from different provenances varied greatly,and the differences in tree height,diameter at breast height(DBH)and average crown width traits were highly significant among the various prove-nances,and the variation rates were above 20%,all of which had high heritability.The growth of P.ko-raiensis was better than that of P.sibirica,and P.sibirica trees from Ulan-Ude and Tomsk provenances presented higher growth potential.The correlation between growth traits and climatic factors showed a continuous cold-warm geographical variation between the growth characteristics of P.sibirica and original climatic factors.The main geographic determinant of tree height growth of P.sibirica from different prov-enances was longitude,and the main climatic determinant was mean temperature in January;the main de-terminant of DBH and crown growth was mean temperature in July;and the main limiting factor affecting each growth trait was mean annual precipitation.Comprehensive ranking and cluster analysis of growth in-dicators by Fuzzy mathematical affiliation function method indicated that the average affiliation function value of P.sibirica from Ulan-Ude provenance was 1.65,followed by 1.62 of Tomsk provenance.After 20 years of planting,the growth characteristics of P.sibirica from different provenances differ somewhat.Among them,P.sibirica of Ulan-Ude and Tomsk provenances have better adaptability and high potential for application in the Maoershan area,and are priority provenances for future introduction.


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Pinus sibiricaintroduction cultivationPinus koraiensisprovenance trialcomprehensive evaluation

《西北林学院学报》 2024 (5)



