

Study on Analytical Method for Rapid Determination of Hot Water-Soluble Substances in Plant Fiber Raw Materials by Countercurrent Brewing Method


热水可溶物含量的高低可以间接反映植物纤维原料制浆造纸性能的好坏,快速、准确判断其含量对于传统制浆造纸、纤维素纤维纯化等相关产业是必要的.但是,目前国标采用的热水静置提取法需 3 h的抽提时间和至少 6 h的干燥、平衡时间,如此耗时的检测过程对于热水可溶物含量的快速判断是不利的.鉴于此,采用多次逆流冲泡法对植物纤维原料进行快速萃取,并对后续高温干燥过程进行了研究.优化得到可快速且相对准确测定热水可溶物含量的条件为:待测植物纤维原料质量为 1.50±0.2 g、粒径为60~80 目,单次冲泡液体量为100 mL、冲泡次数为4 次(冲泡总耗时约 15 min),干燥温度为 120℃、时间为 3 h.方法准确性验证结果显示,此方法的重复性与普适性均较好,可以作为相关工厂或科研院所相对快速、准确分析植物纤维原料中热水可溶物含量的替代方法,具备一定推广应用价值.

The content of hot water soluble matter can indirectly reflect the performance of plant fiber raw materials for pulp and paper making,and a quick and accurate judgment of its content is necessary for traditional pulp and paper making,cellulose fiber purification and other related industries.However,the hot water static extraction method adopted in the current national standard requires 4 h of extraction time and at least 5 h of drying and equilibrium time,and such a time-consuming detection process is unfavorable for the rapid judgment of the content of hot water soluble matter.In view of this,this paper adopts multiple countercurrent brewing method for rapid extraction of plant fiber raw materials,and the subsequent high-temperature drying process was studied.The optimized conditions for rapid and relatively accurate determination of soluble matter content in hot water are as follows:the mass of plant fiber raw material to be tested is 1.50±0.2 g,the particle size is 60~80 mesh,the liquid volume of a single brewing is 100 mL,the number of times of brewing is 4 times(the total time consumed for the brewing is about 15 min),and the drying temperature is 120℃for 3 h.The results of the verification of the accuracy of the method show that the reproducibility and generalizability are good,and it can be used to extract the soluble matter content in hot water quickly.The results show that this method has good repeatability and universality,and it can be used as an alternative method to analyze the content of hot water soluble matter in plant fiber raw materials relatively quickly and accurately in relevant factories or research institutes,and it has a certain value of popularization and application.


昆明理工大学 化学工程学院,云南 昆明 650500云南省烟草质量监督检测站,云南 昆明 650106昆明理工大学 化学工程学院,云南 昆明 650500昆明理工大学 化学工程学院,云南 昆明 650500云南中烟再造烟叶有限责任公司,云南 昆明 650117云南中烟再造烟叶有限责任公司,云南 昆明 650117云南中烟再造烟叶有限责任公司,云南 昆明 650117昆明理工大学 化学工程学院,云南 昆明 650500昆明理工大学 化学工程学院,云南 昆明 650500



papermaking fiber raw materialshot water soluble mattercountercurrent brewing methodmocha potrapid analysis method

《纤维素科学与技术》 2024 (3)



