Cooperation Co-creation and Value Co-creation:New Approaches to the Sustainable Development of Grassroots Social Governance Community
The sustainable development of grassroots social governance community is not only a fun-damental project to meet the people's growing aspirations for a better life,but also an inevitable re-quirement for the modernization of the social governance system and governance capacity."coopera-tion co-creation"and"value co-creation"provide structural support and emotional bonds for the sustainable development of grassroots social governance community from the dimensions of external empowerment and internal aggregation."Cooperation co-creation"and"value co-creation"take the public service cooperative communism as the medium,and through the structural co-embedding,co-governance and mutual benefit of various social subjects in cooperation co-creation,integrate all par-ticipants,conclude multi-party social relations,maximize the interests of all parties,jointly create emotional rationality based on public values such as trust,belonging and identity,and promote the stability of governance structure,participation in governance process and publicity of governance re-sults,thus maintaining and continuously developing the social governance community.
中共广西区委党校公共管理教研部,广西南宁 530021中共南宁市委党校公共管理教研部,广西南宁 530021
grassroots social governance communitycooperation co-creationvalue co-creationsustainable development
《中共天津市委党校学报》 2024 (005)
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