Study on beam quality of DF laser with inner cavity unstable resonator
激光光束质量是衡量激光器应用性能的重要指标之一,面向远距离光电对抗应用场景,本文开展了非链式脉冲氟化氘(DF)激光器非稳腔设计和光束质量提升技术研究.设计了 3组不同放大倍率的正分支虚共焦非稳腔,搭建了凸面腔镜横向和轴向两种支撑结构的非稳腔实验装置,其中横向支撑结构内置循环水冷却通道.以 86.5%环围能量定义激光光斑大小,选用β因子评价激光光束质量,比较两种支撑方式下的输出能量和光束质量.研究发现:相同条件下,轴向支撑结构的非稳腔输出能量较横向支撑结构高 6%,但远场发散角较横向支撑大 9%;水冷横向支撑结构虽存在部分能量遮挡,但其较好的热稳定性显著提升了激光光束质量.在M=2.25的横向支撑内腔式非稳腔条件下获得了光束质量因子β=1.83、发散角θ0.865=0.63 mrad的激光光束.该条件下的激光单脉冲能量为 2.34 J,激光脉宽为 88.2 ns,峰值功率达到26.5 MW.
Laser beam quality is one of the key indicators to measure the application performance of laser.To meet the application requirements of long-distance optoelectronic countermeasures,we cany out the research on the design of unstable resonators and beam quality improvement techniques for non-chain pulsed deuteri-um fluoride(DF)lasers.Three sets of positive branch virtual confocal unstable resonators with different mag-nifications are designed.An inner cavity unstable resonator with two support structures of convex mirror,transverse support and longitudinal support,are constructed.The transverse support structure is equipped with a circulating water-cooling channel.Using 86.5%surrounding energy to define laser beam diameter,the laser beam quality is evaluated with beam quality factor β,and the energy and beam divergence for two sup-port types of convex mirrors are compared.It can be found that,under the same conditions,the laser energy of unstable resonators with longitudinal support is 6%higher than that of the transverse support structure,but the far-field divergence angle is 9%larger than that of the transverse support structure.Although the water-cooled transverse support structure has energy shielding,its good thermal stability significantly improves the quality of the laser beam.Laser beam with a beam quality factor β of 1.83 and a divergence angle θ0.865 of 0.63 mrad is obtained under the transverse support unstable resonator of M=2.25.Under this condition,the laser single pulse energy is 2.34 J,the laser pulse width is 88.2 ns,and the peak power reaches 26.5 MW.
吉林师范大学信息技术学院,吉林四平 136000吉林师范大学信息技术学院,吉林四平 136000中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林长春 130033中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林长春 130033中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林长春 130033中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林长春 130033
DF laserinner cavitypositive branch confocal unstable resonatorbeam quality
《中国光学(中英文)》 2024 (5)
吉林省自然科学基金项目(No.20220101207JC)激光与物质相互作用国家重点实验室开放基础研究课题(No.SKLLIM2115) Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province(No.20220101207JC)State Key Laboratory of Laser Interaction with Matter Project(No.SKLLIM2115)