Study on Decision Tree Model of Hyperactive Liver Yang Syndrome in Patients with Essential Hypertension
目的 基于原发性高血压肝阳上亢证患者的中医四诊信息构建诊断模型.方法 对福建、北京部分医院就诊的原发性高血压患者进行中医证候学调查,采集年龄、性别等基础信息及症状、舌脉等148项中医四诊信息.在统计学分析基础上,分别采用C5.0、CRT、CHAID及QUEST决策树模型评估模型稳定性和性能一致性,以诊断率衡量模型的准确性,择选原发性高血压肝阳上亢证的更优模型.结果 共纳入原发性高血压患者533例,其中肝阳上亢证患者198例,非肝阳上亢证患者335例.对患者的证候学信息进行处理,C5.0、CRT、CHAID及QUEST决策树模型的诊断率分别为75.2%、66.2%、67.7%、65.0%,其中C5.0的诊断效率优于其他模型."情绪激动后加重、少华、脉弦、烦躁、头胀痛、口苦、脉沉、乏力、舌黯、易怒、眩晕、脉细、苔黄"可作为原发性高血压肝阳上亢证模型的具体条目.结论 C5.0决策树模型可基于临床中医四诊信息数据清晰、直观地识别原发性高血压肝阳上亢证患者,归纳诊断规律.
Objective To construct a diagnostic model based on the information of the TCM four diagnoses in hyperactive liver yang syndrome in patients with essential hypertension.Methods Syndromic investigation was carried out in patients with essential hypertension in some hospitals in Fujian and Beijing,and diagnostic information such as age,gender,symptoms,tongue and pulse were collected.On the basis of statistical analysis,this study adopted C5.0,CRT,CHAID and QUEST decision tree models respectively.After evaluating the stability and performance consistency of the models,the accuracy of the models was measured by diagnostic rate,and the optimal model of hyperactivity of liver yang in essential hypertension was selected.Results Totally 533 patients with essential hypertension were included,including 198 patients with hyperactive liver yang syndrome and 335 patients without hyperactive liver yang syndrome.The diagnostic rates of the four models were 75.2%,66.2%,67.7%and 65.0%,respectively.The diagnostic efficiency of C5.0 was better than that of CRT,CHAID and QUEST models."Aggravation after emotional excitement,poor complexion,string-like pulse,irritability,head swelling pain,bitter mouth,heavy pulse,fatigue,dark tongue,irritability,dizziness,thin pulse,yellow fur"could be regarded as the specific items of the syndrome model of hyperactive liver yang in essential hypertension.Conclusion The C5.0 decision tree model can clearly and intuitively identify the hyperactive liver yang syndrome in essential hypertension patients based on clinical TCM four diagnostic information data,and summarize diagnostic rules.
福建中医药大学中西医结合研究院,福建 福州 350100||中华中医药学会标准化办公室,北京 100029福建中医药大学中西医结合研究院,福建 福州 350100||福建省中西医结合老年性疾病重点实验室,福建 福州 350100国家中医心血管病临床医学研究中心,北京 100091||中国中医科学院广安门医院,北京 100053福建中医药大学中西医结合研究院,福建 福州 350100福建中医药大学中西医结合研究院,福建 福州 350100福建中医药大学中西医结合研究院,福建 福州 350100||福建省中西医结合老年性疾病重点实验室,福建 福州 350100福建中医药大学中西医结合研究院,福建 福州 350100||福建省中西医结合老年性疾病重点实验室,福建 福州 350100福建中医药大学中西医结合研究院,福建 福州 350100||福建省中西医结合老年性疾病重点实验室,福建 福州 350100||国家中医心血管病临床医学研究中心,北京 100091福建中医药大学中西医结合研究院,福建 福州 350100||福建省中西医结合老年性疾病重点实验室,福建 福州 350100||国家中医心血管病临床医学研究中心,北京 100091
essential hypertensionhyperactive liver yang syndromedecision treeC5.0
《中国中医药信息杂志》 2024 (10)