Growth Differences of Camellia sinensis var.assamica from Different Families at Seedling Stage
为了解五指山市水满乡不同家系海南大叶种茶苗期生长状况的差异,对其种子发芽率、发芽时间与茶苗的植株形态、叶片形态、生物量等生长指标进行测定,并对各项生长指标进行方差分析,以期为后续种质资源筛选提供一定的研究基础.结果表明:不同种质资源海南大叶种茶的变异系数不同,范围在 4.58%~37.27%之间,具有丰富的变异,选育潜力大;通过对比发现,发芽率最高的种质资源为ZZ1-3(89.06%),种质资源FX2长势较强,其株高为 10.40 cm,地径为 1.94 mm,平均叶数为 3.20 片,叶长为 7.09 cm,叶宽为 3.68 cm,长宽比为 1.93.
In order to understand the growth differences of Camellia sinensis var.assamica from different families at seedling stage in Shuiman Township of Wuzhishan City,and provide a certain basis for subsequent germplasm resource screening,this paper measured the seed germination rate,germination time,plant morphology,leaf morphology,biomass of tea seedling,and conducted a variance analysis on various growth indicators.The results showed that the coefficient of variation of growth indicators of Camellia sinensis var.assamica from different families varied,ranging from 4.58% to 37.27%,with abundant variation and great potential for breeding.The germplasm resource with the highest germination rate was ZZ1-3(89.06% ),and the germplasm resource FX2 had strong growth,with a plant height of 10.40 cm,a ground diameter of 1.94 mm,an average number of 3.20 leaves,a leaf length of 7.09 cm,a leaf width of 3.68 cm and an aspect ratio of 1.93.
海南省林业科学研究院(海南省红树林研究院),海南海口 571100海南省林业科学研究院(海南省红树林研究院),海南海口 571100海南省林业科学研究院(海南省红树林研究院),海南海口 571100海南省林业科学研究院(海南省红树林研究院),海南海口 571100海南省林业科学研究院(海南省红树林研究院),海南海口 571100海南省林业科学研究院(海南省红树林研究院),海南海口 571100
Camellia sinensis var.assamicagermplasm resourceseed germination rateplant morphologyleaf morphology
《现代农业科技》 2024 (20)