Effects of Planting Methods on Yield Related Traits of Industrial Hemp
不同用途的工业大麻种植方式不同,种植方式的不同可以体现在种植密度上.为此,利用相关性分析和主成分分析等方法,对 3 个工业大麻品种在 2 种种植方式下的 10 个产量相关性状进行分析.结果表明:种植方式与株高、茎粗、节数、鲜茎重和干茎重成极显著负相关,与干皮重成显著负相关,与节间长成显著正相关;产量相关性状的主成分分析提取到 2 个主成分,累计贡献率为 86.043%,从中筛选到 4 个产量关键性状;引进资源和汉麻 10 号适宜籽纤兼用种植方式(250 粒/m2,行距 30 cm),汉麻 12 号适宜纤维用种植方式(450 粒/m2,行距 15 cm).
The planting methods of industrial hemp for different purposes are different,and the differences in planting methods can be reflected in the planting density.In this study,correlation analysis and principal component analysis were used to analyze 10 yield related traits of three industrial hemp varieties under two planting methods.The results showed that planting method was extremely significantly negatively correlated with plant height,stem thickness,number of nodes,fresh stem weight and dry stem weight,significantly negatively correlated with dry skin weight,and significantly positively correlated with internode length.Principal component analysis of yield related traits extracted 2 principal components with a cumulative contribution rate of 86.043%,from which 4 yield key traits were screened.The introduction resource and Hanma 10 were suitable for both seed and fiber planting(250 seeds/m2,row spacing was 30 cm),while Hanma 12 was suitable for fiber planting(450 seeds/m2,row spacing was 15 cm).
黑龙江省科学院大庆分院,黑龙江大庆 163316黑龙江省科学院大庆分院,黑龙江大庆 163316黑龙江省科学院大庆分院,黑龙江大庆 163316黑龙江省科学院大庆分院,黑龙江大庆 163316黑龙江省科学院大庆分院,黑龙江大庆 163316
industrial hempplanting methodyield related traitcorrelation analysisprincipal component analysis
《现代农业科技》 2024 (20)